Anya Lewin

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Anya Lewin has a crush on narrative but is not sure how narrative feels about her. She has made installations, performances, single channel videotapes, essays, and work for the web environment. Her work has been exhibited internationally in such places as Beijing, Belfast, Cuba, New York, London, Paris, San Francisco and Siberia. She was the founder and programmer of Cornershop, a cross-arts gallery and performance space in Buffalo, NY that ran from 1997 to 2000. She has most recently curated Another Cinema, a series of screen based events which challenge traditional notions of cinema, and Hybrid Discourse (co-curated with Joasia Krysa) ? a series of events investigating digital media in the context of the Culture Industry. She has a BA in Film and Video from UC Santa Cruz, an MAH in Media Studies and Poetics from SUNY at Buffalo. She lives in England and is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Plymouth.