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Baker, Henry. "Synapse Distribution." Televisions 6, no. 3 (1978).
Levin, Gail. Synchromism and American Color Abstraction, 1910-1925. New York, NY: The Whitney Museum of American Art, 1978.
Vasulka, Woody. "Syntax of Binary Images." Afterimage 6, no. 40545 (1978).
Brewster, Richard, and Dave Jones. System I, General Schematics. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1978.
Brewster, Richard, and Dave Jones. System I, Keyers and Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA's). Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1978.
Brewster, Richard, and Dave Jones. System I, Sequencer. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1978.
Tekscope. Volume 10, Number 2.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1978.
Tekscope. Volume 10, Number 3.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1978.
Tekscope. Volume 10, Number 4.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1978.
Caughie, John. Television: Ideology and Exchange., Edited by John Caughie. London: British Film Institute, 1978.
Marcuse, Herbert. The Aesthetic Dimension. Boston: Beacon Press, 1978.
Boggs, Joseph M.. The Art of Watching Films: a guide to film analysis. Menlo Park, CA: The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1978.
Price, Jonathan. The Best Thing on Television: Commercials. Baltimore: Penguin, 1978.
Lacan, Jacques. The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. Edited by Jacques Alain Miller. Translated by Alan Sheridan.. NY: W. W. Norton, 1978.
Ancona, Victor. "The Independent Producer and Public Television: Independents Air Their Gripes." Videography 3, no. 7 (1978).
McGriff, Teresa. "The Panama Tapes: Videographers Enin and Ethel Velez." Videography 3, no. 12 (1978).
Lovett, Sharon. The Sixth International Video Exchange Directory, Edited by Sharon Lovett. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1978.
Barnouw, Erik. The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate. NY: Oxford Press, 1978.
The Tarbell Floppy Disk Interface. Carson, CA: Tarbell Electronics, 1978.
Schier, Jeffrey, and Diana Dosch. The Vasulka Imaging System, LSI-11. Buffalo, NY: The Vasulka Corporation, 1978.
Grossman, Peter. "The VIdeo Artist as Engineer." Videography 3, no. 10 (1978).
Ancona, Victor. "Toshio Matsumoto: Spanning Film and Video." Videography 3, no. 11 (1978).
Tu-Art Digital Interface Instruction Manual. Cromemco Incorporated. Mountain View, CA: Cromemco Incorporated, 1978.
Minkowsky, John. Two Early Video Portraits. One-Eyed Bum by Andy Mann (1974, 6 minutes, b/w, sound). Ama L'uomo Tuo (Always Love Your Man) by Cara DeVito (1974, 20 min. b/w, sound)., 1978.
Moore, Rebecca, and Gayle Gibbons Larry Kirkman. "various articles." Televisions The Quest for Distribution issue VI, no. 3 (1978).
Minkowsky, John. "The Videotape Collection at Media Study Buffalo." Afterimage 5, no. 7 (1978).
Brewster, Richard. Voltage Control and the Analog Synthesizer - from Experimental Television Center Studio System Manual., 1978.
Weltonville Meeting., 1978.
Etra, Bill. Woody Vasulka Interviews Bill Etra., 1978.
Hearn, Bill. Woody Vasulka Interviews Bill Hearn., 1978.
