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Panasonic Service Manual for Editing Controller NV-A950.. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic Service Manual for Model NV-9200.. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic Service Manual for Model WV-3320 Color TV Camera. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic Service Manual for Personal Portable Television Receiver Model TR-001.. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic Service Manual for Special Effects Generator Model WJ-545P.. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic Service Manual for Video Casette Recorder NV-9200.. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic Service Manual for Video Cassette Recorder Model NV-9200A; NV-9500A.. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic Service Manual. Sequential Switcher: WJ-506, 506A, 507, 507A, 510, 510A.. Secaucus, NJ, Japan: Matsushita Electric Corporation of America, undated.
Panasonic Sync Converter Model WV-617P Operating Instructions. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic Sync Converter Model WV-617P Service Manual. NY, NY: Panasonic, undated.
Panasonic VHS Editing System NV-8500 Editing Recorder, NV-A500 Editing Controller, NV-A505 Remote Search Controller, NV-J500 Multi-Source Switcher., undated.
Panasonic VTR/CCTV Catalog includes WV-380P, WV-341P, WV-241P, Mini Studio System, Accesories., undated.
Panasonic VTR/CCTV Price Schedule., 1972.
Panasonic VTR/CCTV Product Catalog., undated.
Panasonic VTR/CCTV Product Catalog (3 copies)., undated.
Panasonic VTR/CCTV Product Catalog, (includes illustration, specification of NV-5000 Video Sheet Recorder, others)., undated.
DeWitt, Tom, and Phil Edelstein. Pantograph., 1977.
DeWitt, Tom, and Phil Edelstein. Pantograph - excerpt from The Development of a Video Art Facility by Electronic Body Arts, Inc., 1979.
DeWitt, Tom. Pantomation., 1975.
Paik, Nam June. "Paper TV vs. Real TV." Art Rite, no. 7 (1974).
Gorewitz, Shalom. "Passages at the Experimental TV Center." The Independent 6, no. 9 (1983): 19.
Krauss, Rosalind. Passages in Modern Sculpture. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981.
Hornbacher, Sara. Path of Dreams: Video in the Boroughs. Locus Communications and the Newhouse Gallery, 1983.
Sharp, Willoughby. "Paul Ryan Video Pioneer: From Teen Age Monk to Video Bareback Rider." Video 81 2, no. 1 (1981).
Lyons, Timothy. "Pedagogy of Film/Video Issue." Journal of the University Film Association 32, no. 4 (1980).
Quasha, George. Peer Bode Dialogos., 1978.
Goldberg, Henry. Pending Legislation and Other Proposals Dealing with The Independent Television Makers. Presented at the Conference Television Makers and Public Communications Policy. NY, NY: Rockefeller Foundation, 1979.
Loeffler, Carl, and Darlene Tong. Performance Anthology: Source Book for a Decade of California Performance Art, Edited by Carl Loeffler. San Francisco: Contemporary Arts Press, 1980.
Loeffler, Carl. "Performance Art." ART COM 4, no. 16 (1982).
Goldberg, Roselee. Performance Art. London, 1988.
