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Mellencamp, Patricia. "Uncanny Feminism: The Exquisite Corpses of Cecelia Condit." Afterimage 14, no. 2 (1986).
VDS160 User's Manual. Valley Data Sciences.. Mountain View, CA: Valley Data Sciences, 1986.
Ablow, Gail. "Video Al Fresco." Videography 11, no. 8 (1986).
Hall, Doug. "Video Art: A Short History (On the Head of a Pin)." Video Networks 11, no. 1 (1986).
Town, Elke. Video By Artists 2, Edited by Elke Town. Toronto: Art Metropole, 1986.
Boyle, Deirdre. Video Classics: A Guide to Video Art and Documentary Tapes. Phoenix, NY: Onyx Press, 1986.
Hanhardt, John. Video Culture: A Critical Investigation, Edited by John Hanhardt. Rochester: Visual Studies Workshop, 1986.
Payant, Rene. Video. Montreal: Artextes. In French and English., Edited by Rene Payant., 1986.
Gitlin, Todd. Watching Television: A Pantheon Guide to Popular Culture, Edited by Todd Gitlin. NY: Pantheon,, 1986.
Miller, Nancy. Wildernrss: A Video Installation by Mary Lucier. Cambridge: New England Foundation for the Arts, 1986.
Buchloh, Benjamin. "Allegorical Procedures: Appropriation and Montage in Contemporary Art." Artforum 21 (1987).
Daniels, Dieter. "Between 007 and Joseph Beuys." Mediamatic 3, no. 1 (1987).
London, Barbara. Bill Viola: Installations and Videotapes The Poetics of Light and Time, Edited by Barbara London. NY, NY: The Museum of Modern Art, 1987.
Body, Vera, and Peter Weibel. Clip Klapp Bum, Edited by Vera Body. Koln, 1987.
Powell, Alan. Collaboration in Electronic Image Processing: Electron Movers. self-published MFA Thesis for Rutgers University, 1987.
Goodman, Cynthia. Digital Visions: Computers and Art. NY: Harry N Abrams, 1987.
Goodman, Cynthia. Digital Visions: Computers and the Arts. New York, NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1987.
"El Video issue." Telos, no. 9 (1987).
Experimental Television Center, David Jones, Ralph Hocking, and Sherry Miller Hocking. ETC Proposal: Frame Buffer 1987., 1987.
Coleman, Connie. "Exploring New Forms in the VIsual Arts Through the Use of Electronic Tools: Videography and Computer Graphics." Leonadro 20, no. 3 (1987).
Daedalus. "Futures." Daedalus. Summer (1987).
Microbotics, Inc. Starboard2 MultiFunction Module User Guide: vers. 1.0.. Richardson, TX: Microbotics, Inc., 1987.
Microbotics, Inc. Starboard2 User Guide Readme Notes, revision 1.03. Richardson, TX: Microbotics, Inc., 1987.
Warshawski, Morrie. "NAMAC 1987." Videography 12, no. 9 (1987).
New York State Council on the Arts Annual Report 1986-87. Report by Media Program.., 1987.
New York State Council on the Arts Annual Report 1986-87. Reports by Film and Media Programs.. New York, New York: New York State Council on the Arts, 1987.
Conrad, Tony. NYMDI Videotape Restoration Program. Buffalo, NY: New York Media Decentralization Institute, 1987.
Conrad, Tony. "Open Reel Videotape Restoration." The Independent 10, no. 8 (1987).
Sturken, Marita. "Private Money and Personal Influence: Howard Klein and the Rockefeller Foundation's Funding of the Media Arts." Afterimage 14, no. 6 (1987).
Buchloh, Benjamin. Rough Edits: Popular Image Video Dara Birnbaum., Edited by Benjamin Buchloh. The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1987.
