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Growing pains: artists' organizations in the 80s - National Association of Artists Organizations' 1983 conference." Afterimage (1998).
"An interview with Martha Rosler." Afterimage 9, no. 3 (1981).
"Pomp and Circumstances: The Coronation of Nam June Paik." Afterimage 10, no. 3 (1982).
"Video Politics: Early Feminist Projects." Afterimage 11, no. 40545 (1983).
"Mary Lucier's Elemental Investigations." Afterimage 9, no. 7 (1982).
"Underdeveloped Media, Overdeveloped Technology." The Independent 8, no. 7 (1985).
"Pressure Points: Video in the Public Sphere in Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium." Pressure Points: Video in the Public Sphere in Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium Fall, no. 1985 (1985).
"Meet the Press: On Paper Tiger Television." Afterimage 11, no. 4 (1983).