Photography: The Problematic Model, Edited by Peter D'Agostino. San Francisco: NFS Press, 1981.
Photography: The Problematic Model, Edited by Peter D'Agostino. San Francisco: NFS Press, 1981.
The UnNecessary Image, Edited by Peter D'Agostino. NY: MIT/Tanam Press,, 1982.
The UnNecessary Image, Edited by Peter D'Agostino. NY: MIT/Tanam Press,, 1982.
Transmission: Theory and Practice for a New Television Aesthetics, Edited by Peter D'Agostino. NY: Tanam Press, 1985.
Alpha, Trans, Chung. Peter D'Agostino: A Photographic Model: Semiotics, Film, and Interpretation. Dayton: University Art Galleries, Wright State University, 1978.
coming and going: New York (Subway) Paris (Metro) San Francisco (BART) Washington (Metro). San Francisco: NSF Press, 1982.
TeleGuide. and Proposal for QUBE. Long Beach, CA: Long Beach Museum of Art, undated.