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Kaplan, Alan. "Close Encounter with Ron Hays." Videography 3, no. 3 (1978).
Kaplan, George. "Architechtural Space, Psychology, and Video." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 3 (undated).
Kaplan, George. Architectural Space, Psychology, and Video. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television, undated.
Kaplan, Ann E.. Regarding Television. The American Film Institute Monograph Series, vol. 2., Edited by Ann E. Kaplan. Frederick, MD: University Publications of America,, 1983.
Kaprow, Allen. "Video Art: Old Wine, New Bottle." Artforum 12, no. 10 (1974).
Kaufman, Paul. "Reflections on Values in Public Television And their Relationship to Political and Organizational Life." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 3 (1972).
Kaufman, Paul. Reflections on Values in Public Television And their Relationship to Political and Organizational Life. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, 1972.
Kaufman, Paul. "Television and Reality: A Report from the Television: Art and Information Meeting (Asilomar, CA 6/8-11/73." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 2 (undated).
Kaufman, Paul. Television and Reality: A Report from the Television: Art and Information Meeting. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, undated.
Kaufman, Paul. Television: Art & Information, Values and practices in public broadcasting.. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, 1973.
Kaufman, Paul. Dear Chloe. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, 1972.
Keil, Bob. "Marlene and Paul Kos: Video Collaborations." Artweek 9, no. 21 (undated).
Keil, Bob. "David Ross Thoughts on Video." Artweek 9, no. 33 (1978).
Kepes, Gyorgy. The Nature and Art of Motion, Edited by Gyorgy Kepes. NY: George Braziller, 1965.
Kerne, Andruid. "CollageMachine: An Interactive Agent of Web Recombination." Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. Fifth Annual New York Digital Salon. 33, no. 5 (2000).
Kirby, Michael. The Art of Time. NY: E. P. Dutton, 1969.
Kirby, Lynne. The Electronic Gallery - Perceptual Process and Processed Video Art. Owego, NY: SUNY Binghamton & The Experimental Television Center, 1980.
Klark-Teknik DN-36 Operating Instructions. Farmingdale, NY: Klark-Teknik Electronics Inc., undated.
Klein, Howard. The Rise of the Televisualists in The New Television: A Public/Private Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
KLH 120 Watt Powered Subwoofer Owner's Manual. Sun Valley, CA: KLH Audio Systems, undated.
Knight Electronics KG-685 Color Pattern/Generator Kit Instructions; Demodulator Probe; Low Capacity Probe;. Maywood, Illinois: Knight Electronics, 1966.
Knowles, Marguerite W.. "Mediascope Buffalo: The Moving Image In and Around Buffalo 1970-1985." The Squealer 11, no. 2 (1996).
Kolpan, Steven. Radical Departures: The 1982 CAPS Video/Multimedia Festival. NY: CAPS Community Service Program, 1982.
Kolpan, Steven. "Bateson Through the Looking Glass." Video and the Arts 11 (1986).
Kolyer, Diane. "Video Art Goes State of the Art." Videography 9, no. 10 (1984).
Korg PS-3200 Programmable Polyphonic Synthesizer; PS-3300; PS-3100; BX-3 Electronic Organ; CX-3 Portable Organ; LP-10 Electronic Piano; Trident; Delta; Lambda; Sigma; VC-10 Vocoder; MS-10; MS-20; MS-50; SQ-10; X-911; others. Tokyo, Japan: Keio Electronic Lab Corp. Korg Electronic Ltd., undated.
Korg Monophonic Synthesizer MS-20 Setting Examples; Owner's Manual. Tokyo, Japan: Keio Electronic Lab Corp. Korg Electronic Ltd., undated.
Korot, Beryl, and Phillis Gershuny. "various articles." Radical Software: Alternative TV Movement 1, no. 1 (1970).
Korot, Beryl, and Ira Schneider. "various articles." Radical Software: Videocity 2, no. 3 (undated).
Korot, Beryl, and Ira Schneider. "various articles." Radical Software: The TV Environment 2, no. 2 (1973).
