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CCTV Motorola Closed Circuit Television Transistorized Cameras and Control Kits for Model S1120C Indoor Camera, S1121C Explosion-Proof Camera, S1122C All-Weather Camera (2 copies). Chicago, Illinois: Motorola, 1965.
Mosco, Vincent, and Andrew Herman. "Critical Theory and Electronic Media." Theory and Society 10, no. 6 (1981).
Morton, Philip Lee. Available Videotapes and Class Notes for Video 2601., 1972.
Morton, Phil. Letter to Paul: excerpts from a video-taped discussion., 1971.
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact Folder, Set 1439, Folder 5. Morse/ Electrophonic Chassis 2UA.. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1974.
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact Folder, Set 1353, Folder 6, Morse/ Electrophonic Models T-660CC, T-710CC.. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1973.
Morrison, Bradley. Use of Paik Abe Video Synthesizer by Opera Today., 1972.
Morris, Robert. "Exchange '73: From A Videotape by Robert Morris." Avalanche, no. eight (1973): 22-25.
Morris, Frances. Tate Modern: Between Cinema and a Hard Place. London, England: The Tate Gallery, undated.
Morello, Steve. "Center Lets People Use TV For Themselves." Press (1971).
Moore, Alan. "Peter Campus, Andy Mann, Ira Schneider, Tom Marioni at the Everson Museum of Art." Artforum, no. 12 (1974).
Moore, Rebecca, and Gayle Gibbons Larry Kirkman. "various articles." Televisions The Quest for Distribution issue VI, no. 3 (1978).
Moore, Richard O.. "Communication, Organizations and John Stuart Mill." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 3 (1972).
Moore, Carman. "The Avant-Garde in Dry Dock." The Village Voice (1972).
Moore, Richard O.. Communication, Organizations and John Stuart Mill. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, undated.
Correspondence Related to Moog Purchase at SUNY Binghamton 1970.. SUNY Binghamton, 1967.
Rhea, Tom. Sound Charts Minimoog Patch Charts.. Lincolnwood; Williamsville, Illinois; N.Y.: Moog (A Product of Norlin Corporation), 1974.
Rhea, Tom. Micromoog 2090 Operation Manual. Lincolnwood; Williamsville, Illinois; N.Y.: Moog (A Product of Norlin Corporation), 1976.
Moog, Robert. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Robert Moog: Moog Modular Audio Synthesizer, 1964., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Moog, R. A.. Moog schematics for Series 900 Modular System: System Layout Synthesizer IIIC, System B 22 Unit Upper Console, Power Supply - Bode Frequency Shifter, Bode Ring Modulator, Frequency Shifter Block Diagram, Frequency Shifter, Bode Dome Filter, 960 schematic,. Trumansburg, NY: R.A. Moog, Inc., 1969.
Moog, R. A.. Setting Up Your Moog Synthesizer, A Guide to Installation and Operation of Synthesizers 1, II, and III. Model 950, 960 series.. Trumansburg, NY: R.A. Moog, Inc., 1970.
Montgomery Ward Model 10301 CED Video Disc Player. Chicago, Illinois: Montgomery Ward, 1981.
MonteVideo Art Foundation. Amsterdam, Holland, 1986.
Monkhouse, Richard. The Moving Art of Video Graphics- or How to Drive a Spectre. Video and Audio-Visual Review, undated.
Monaco, James. How to Read a Film: The Art, Technology, Language, History, and Theory of Film and Media. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1977.
Heist, Eric, and Laura Parnes. Momenta Art: Exhibitions 1995 Through 1999.. Brooklyn, NY: Momenta Art, 1999.
Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl, and Walter Gropius. Moholy-Nagy: Experiment in Totality. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1950.
Moholy-Nagy, L.. Vision in Motion, Edited by Paul Theobald. Chicago, IL: ID Book: Institute of Design, 1947.
Mohlhenrich, Janice. Preservation of Electronic Formats & ElectronicFormats for Preservation, Edited by Janice Mohlhenrich. WI: Highsmith Press, 1993.
Mogul, Susan. "Electronic Imagemaking: How to Use 1/2" Portable VTRs." Petersen's Photographic Magazine 5, no. 5 (1976): 60-63.
