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Hewlett Packard/ Sanborn Division. Operating and Service Manual. D C General Purpose Amplifier 126, 126B, 64-300A, 64-300B, 67-300, 67-300B.. USA: Hewlett Packard/ Sanborn Division., 1968.
Hewlett Packard/ Sanborn Division. Operating and Service Manual. 60-1300, 60-1300B Sanborn Twin-Viso Recorder.. Waltham, MA: Hewlett Packard/ Sanborn Division., 1957.
Hewlett Packard/ Sanborn Division. Instruction Manual for Sanborn ECG Preamplifier (Model 60-200).. Hewlett Packard/ Sanborn Division., undated.
Herzogenrath, Wulf. "Attempts to Get Rid of the Damned Box." Video 80 5 (1982).
Herzogenrath, Wulf. Video Tapes. In German and English. Kolnischer Kunstverein. Cologne, Germany: Kolnischer Kunstverein, 1974.
Herzogenrath, Wulf. Notes on Video as an Artistic Medium in The New Television: A Public/Private Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
Herzogenrath, Wulf. Nam June Paik: Fluxus Video, Edited by Wulf Herzogenrath. Munich: Verlag Silke Schreiber, 1983.
Herzogenrath, Wulf. "The Video Scene." LBMAVIDEO 2, no. 6 (1986).
Herzogenrath, Wulf. Videokunst in Deutschland: 1963-1982. In German., Edited by Wulf Herzogenrath. Stuttgart: Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1982.
Herzogenrath, Wulf. "Eight Pieces by Dan Graham." Studio lnternational (1972).
Herzogenrath, Wulf, and Edith Decker. Video Skulptur: retrospectiv und aktuell 1963-1989. Koln: DuMont, 1989.
Herrick, Jon. "Letter from White Ox requesting works for exhibition. January 19, 1973." (1973).
Herbach and Rademan, Inc.. Herbach and Rademan, Inc. "This Month: Electronics for Science and Industry".. Philadelphia, PA: Herbach and Rademan, Inc., 1980.
Henderson, Brian. A Critique of Film Theory. NY: E. P. Dutton, 1980.
Held, John Jr.. Diary of Correspondence: 1979. Mid-York Library System, 1980.
Heidegger, Martin. The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays. Translated by William Lovitt.. NY: Harper Colophon Books, 1977.
Heathkit, Heath/Schlumberger. Heath/Schlumberger Instruments 1979; Heathkit Winter-1979. Benton Harbor, MI: Heathkit, undated.
Heathkit. Heathkit Model IG-72 Audio Generator (2 copies); Model IG-18 Sine-Square Audio Generator; Model IG-28 Color Bar and Dot Generator; Model IP-18 1-15 VDC Regulated Power Supply. Benton Harbor, MI: Heathkit, undated.
Heath, Stephen, and Patricia Mellencamp. Cinema and Language. American Film Institute Monograph Series, vol. 1., Edited by Stephen Heath. Frederic, MD: University Publications of America, 1983.
Hearn, William. EAB VideoLab Modules A through D (3 copies). Berkeley, California: Electronic Associates of Berkeley, undated.
Hearn, Bill. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Bill Hearn: Vidium (Analog XYZ driver/sequencer), 1969., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Hearn, William. EAB VideoLab Instruction Manual (E-Module). Berkeley, California: Electronic Associates of Berkeley, undated.
Hearn, William. 77 Videolab Wiring Diagram for "A" Module. Berkeley, California: Electronic Associates of Berkeley, 1977.
Hearn, William. 77 Videolab Output Keyer Fader, Effects Amp, and Options. Berkeley, California: Electronic Associates of Berkeley, 1977.
Hearn, William. EAB VideoLab Module E Summary. Berkeley, California: Electronic Associates of Berkeley, 1979.
Hearn, Bill. Woody Vasulka Interviews Bill Hearn., 1978.
Hearn, William. 77 Videolab Module Wiring. Berkeley, California: Electronic Associates of Berkeley, 1978.
Hearn, William. 77 Videolab Input Board Sketch; Power Supply; Input Circuits-Pin Connections. Berkeley, California: Electronic Associates of Berkeley, 1977.
Hearn, William. Letter Regarding VideoLab. Berkeley, California: Electronic Associates of Berkeley, 1974.
Hearn, Bill. Hearn, Relevant Distillation., 1978.
