Ampex AC-125 Television Production Center (3 copies). Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Model 300 Single Channel Master Recorder/Reproducer Service Manual. Elk Grove Village, Ilinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Guide to the Care and Handling of Magnetic Tape. Redwood City, CA: Ampex, Magnetic Tape Division., 1989.
Ampex Model VPR5800 Video Production Recorder Operation Manual. Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Ampex Corporation, 1970.
Ampex CC-500 Color Television Camera System. Mountain View, CA: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Video Camera Operation and Maintenance Manual for CC 330 Camera System. Elk Grove Village, Ilinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Audio-Video Systems Catalog. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex VPR-5800 Color Video Production Recorder, Dramatic Ampex 1 Inch VPR Versatility, Features, and Ease. Also VPR-5200, VPR-4500.. Elk Grove Village, Ilinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Operation and Preliminary Maintenance Information for the (Ampex) CC 326 Series (Television) Cameras (2 copies). Elk Grove Village, Ilinois: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex Portable Recording System VR-3000 backpack VTR, BC-300 hand-held camera. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, undated.
Ampex 350 Series Single Track Recorder/Reproducer Operation and Maintenance Manual. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, 1958.
Ampex Bulletin No. 9 March 1965- Recording Theory and Techniques As Applied To Tape, Part III- Video. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, 1965.
Ampex EDM-1 Computer-Controlled Editing System. Redwood City, CA: Ampex Corporation, undated.
A Guide to Media and Formats. Redwood City, CA: Ampex, Magnetic Tape Division., 1989.
Ampex Operating Manual for Videotape Recorder Model VR-7000. Elk Grove Village, Illinois: Ampex Corporation, 1966.
Museum of Modern Art Moves into Video Distribution." Videography 8, no. 4 (1983).
"Elaine Velazquez: Video Access Project." Videography 4, no. 4 (1979).
"Videotapes from Australia." Videography 5, no. 2 (1980).
"Artists' Tapes at Home: Reality or Delusion." Videography 6, no. 12 (1981).
"Donnell Center: Collecting Artists' Tapes for Public Use." Videography 2, no. 10 (1977).
"Videomania at the Whitney: Replay of Nam June Paik's Retrospective." Videography 7, no. 10 (1982).
"Mary MacArthur." Videography 3, no. 10 (1978).
"Ithaca Video: Margin Notes on a Moveable Feast." Videography 4, no. 9 (1979).
"Gunilla and Philip Mallory Jones: Portraits and Documentaries." Videography 5, no. 7 (1980).
"A Look at Castelli-Sonnabend Film and Tape." Videography 2, no. 1 (1977).
"Gloria Deitcher: Exposing Human Frailties." Videography 7, no. 4 (1982).
"Skip Sweeney: Video as a Redemptive Medium." Videography 8, no. 8 (1983).
"Les Levine's Conceptual Art." Videography 3, no. 3 (1978).
"8th Annual Ithaca Video Festival, Part II." Videography 8, no. 3 (1983).