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McArthur, Donald, and Richard Brewster. Buss Indicator. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1977.
McArthur, Donald, and Walter Wright. Computer-Based Video Synthesizer System Hardware and Software Research Results for project supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York State Council on the Arts, Edited by Sherry Miller-Hocking. Binghamton, New York: Experimental Television Center Ltd., 1977.
McArthur, Donald. Computer Based Video Synthesis System: Interface of LSI-11 Computer to Video Image Processing System., 1977.
McCarthy, Kevin F., and Elizabeth Heneghan Ondaatje. From Celluloid to Cyberspace: The Media Arts and the Changing Arts World. Rand Corporation, 2002.
McCarthy, Kevin F., and Elizabeth Heneghan Ondaatje. From Celluloid to Cyberspace: The Media Arts and the Changing Arts World. RAND, 2002.
McCarthy, Kevin, Elizabeth H. Ondaatje, and Laura Zakaras Arthur and Brooks. Gifts of the Muse: Reframing the Debate About the Benefits of the Arts. RAND, 2004.
McCarthy, Kerry. New York State Artist Workspace Consortium, Edited by Kerry(Project Director) McCarthy. NY, NY: New York State Artist Workspace Consortium, 1004.
and McCarthy, J., Earnest Reddy Vicens. L. D. D. R. P.. "A Computer with Hands, Eyes and Ears." Fall Joint Computer Conference. (1968): 329-338.
McDarrah, Fred. "Scenes from An Avant-Garde Festival." The Village Voice (1972).
McDonnell, Maura. Visual Music: Notes for a Lecture., 2003.
McGee, Micki. "Narcissism, Feminism, and Video Art: Some Solutions to the Problem of Representation." Heresies, no. 12 (1981).
McGee, Micki. "Artists Making the News: Artists Re-Making the News." Afterimage 10, no. 4 (1982).
McGriff, Teresa. "The Panama Tapes: Videographers Enin and Ethel Velez." Videography 3, no. 12 (1978).
McHale, John. "Universal Requirements Check List." Architectural Design (1960).
McHale, John. "Total Design: An Essay on Buckminster Fuller." (1958): 1-5.
McHale, John. "Buckminster Fuller's Geodesic Dome." (1956): 1-5.
McIntosh Owner's Manual for Model MPI 4 Maximum Performance Indicator.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1973.
McIntosh MC 2100; MC 250, 275 Solid State Stereo Amplifier Sales Literature.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Instruction Manual for Model C-8 and C-8P Professional Audio Compensators.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1956.
McIntosh MC 2105 Solid State Stereo Amplifier Sales Literature.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Instruction Manual for Model MC-30; MC-40 30 Watt Power Amplifier.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1956.
McIntosh Mac 1700 Stereo Receiver Service Manual. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Loudspeaker Sales Literature Model ML 4 C; ML 1 C; ML 2 C; L3C; ML 2 M; ML 4 M; L3M.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Quick Reference for Audio Compensator C-108; C-104. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh MC-30 Instruction Manual. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1960.
McIntosh Product Catalog includes Models: Mac 1900, Mac 1700 Receivers; Loudspeakers ML 1C, ML 2C, ML 4C, L 3 C, ML 2 M, ML 4 M, L 3 M; C 26, C 28 Preamplifiers; MI 3 Maximum Performance Indicator; Tuners MR 78, MR 77, MR 74; Tuner-Preamplifiers MX 113, M. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McIntosh Stereo Preamp-Amplifier Model MA230. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., 1963.
McIntosh MC 2505 Solid State Stereo Amplifier Sales Literature; MX 112 Stereo Tuner and Control Center.. Binghamton, NY: McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., undated.
McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1964.
McLuhan, Marshall. The Gutenberg Galaxy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962.
