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Sanyo Electric Inc. Sanyo Portable Video Cassette Recorder VCC 7100 Operating Instructions.. Compton, CA, Japan: Sanyo Electric Inc., undated.
Sargent, Ralph. Preserving the Moving Image. Washington, DC: Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Endowment for the Arts, 1974.
Sarkes Tanzian Inc. PDA-VDA Broadcast Equipment Division. Verticle Interval Switcher VIS-88. Operation and Maintenance Manual 100-492-1. Bloomington, IN: Sarkes Tanzian Inc., 1967.
Sarkes Tanzian Inc. PDA-VDA Broadcast Equipment Division. Pulse Distribution Amplifier 85-341, Video Distribution Amplifier 85-182. Instruction Book 100-365.. Bloomington, IN: Sarkes Tanzian Inc., undated.
The 6th International Video Exchange Directory. Vancouver, British Columbia: Satellite Video Exchange Society, 1979.
Satin, Sheldon. "Learning to Live with and Love the New Technology." Print: Designing for TV: A Special Issue XXVI, no. I (1972).
Savage, Steve. "Take-Home Video Art." Videography 10, no. 8 (1985).
Schier, Jeffrey, and Diana Dosch. The Vasulka Imaging System, LSI-11. Buffalo, NY: The Vasulka Corporation, 1978.
Schier, Jeffery, and Don McArthur. Report on S-100 Bus. Owego, NY: Experimental Television Center, undated.
Schier, Jeffrey. Sandin Image Processor - Excerpts of Description of Analog IP modules from Pioneers of Electronic Art., 1992.
Schiller, Herbert I.. The Mind Managers. Boston: Beacon, 1970.
Schiller, Herbert I.. Mass Communications and the American Empire. Boston: Beacon, 1970.
Schiller, Herbert I.. Information and the Crisis Economy.. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1984.
Schiller, Herbert I.. Communication and Cultural Domination. White Plains, NY: International Arts and Sciences Press, 1976.
Schilling, Alphons. Binocularis. NY: Galerie Ariadne, undated.
Schimmel, Paul, and Nam June Paik. "Abstract Time." Arts Magazine 49, no. 4 (1974).
Schimmel, Paul. Out of Actions: Between Performance and the Object 1949-1979. Los Angeles, 1998.
Schjeldahl, Peter. "Well, It?s a Heck of a Long Way from Marcus Welby." The New York Times (1971).
Schlanger, Matthew, and David Jones. Schematics and notes in regard to First Jones Frame Buffer from Matthew Schlanger to Peer Bode (11 pages).. Owego, NY: Experimental Television Center, undated.
Schmidt, Klaus F.. "New Developments in Printing: Standardization in Four-Color Proofing." Print: Designing for TV: A Special Issue XXVI, no. I (1972): 72-74.
Schneider, Cynthia, and Brian Wallis. Global Television, Edited by Cynthia Schneider. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1989.
Schneider, Ira, and Mary Lucier Beryl Korot. Video Art: An Anthology, Edited by Ira Schneider. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.
Scholder, Amy. Interaction: Artistic Practice in the Network, Edited by Amy Scholder. Distributed Art Publishers, 2001.
Schou, Henning. Preservation of Moving Images and Sound. Brussels: International Federation of Film Archives, 1989.
Schramm, Wilbur, and Donald F. Roberts. The Process and Effects of Mass Communications. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1971.
Schramm, Wilbur. Mass Communications, Edited by Wilbur Schramm. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1949.
Scientific American. Microelectronics. September 1977. Volume 237, Number 3.. New York, NY: Scientific American Inc., 1977.
Readings from Scientific American: Image, Object, and Illusion. San Francisco, CA: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1971.
Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. Photofact Folder, Set 918, Folder 2. Sears Chassis 562.10330.. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., 1967.
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Division 57 Television Standard Nomenclature, Chassis Nos. 528.62454, 528.62484, 529.62454, 529.62484.. Sears, Roebuck and Co., undated.
