Up in the Air, An Interview with Brian Springer." The Squealer March April (1989).
"An Interview with Taka Iimura." Centerfold (1978).
"Interview with Peer Bode., 1995.
Interview with Steina Vasulka., 1995.
Interview with Steina Vasulka. Vasulka Archive online, 1995.
On That Very Uncomfortable Edge: An Interview with Alan Sondheim." The Arts Journal (1989).
"A Manner of Speaking: An Interview with Gary Hill." Afterimage 10, no. 8 (1983).
" "An Interview with Walter Wright. Offline, 1998.
Interview with Nancy Meli Walker: Jamming with The Poool and NNeng. Video Art Research Project, 1998.
Interview with Steina Vasulka, Edited by Pamela Hawkins. Experimental Television Center, 1998.
Interview with Carol Goss and Walter Wright. Benton Bainbridge/Pulsating OK, 1998.
Interview with Walter Wright. Pulsating Okay, 1998.