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Beck, S. C.. Direct Video: An Electronic Artform for Color TV. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, undated.
Beck, Stephen. "Direct Video: Electronic Artform for Color Television." National Center for Experimental in Television Reports 3 (undated).
Betancourt, Michael. "Motion Perception in Movies and Painting: Towards a New Kinetic Art." Ctheory (2002).
Bjorgeengen, Kjell. Kjell Bjorgeengen: New Videoworks. The National Museum/ The Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004.
Bode, Peer. Bode videotapes 2003., 2003.
Bode, Peer. UBER ORGAN ( body of life )., 2003.
Bode, Peer. Some Thoughts on Learning by Reading the Tools: Embodying the Time Image., 2003.
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Bode, Peer. Kjell Bjorgeengen: Video Road. Oslo: Porin taidemuseo, 1990.
Bode, Peer. Kjell Bjorgeengen - True Blanking. Aachen: Ludwig Forum for Internationale Kunst,, 1998.
Boyer, Jean-Pierre. L'Image Electronique. City du Havre: Studio du Musee d'art contemporain, 1974.
Boyle, Deirdre. "From Portapak To Camcorder: A Brief History Of Guerrilla Television." Journal of Film and Video 44, no. 1 – 2 (40545) (1992).
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The Second Emerging Expression Biennial: The Artist and the Computer. Bronx, NY: Bronx Museum, 1987.
Brown, George, and David Dunn. "Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: George Brown, Video Sequencer (a.k.a. Field Flip/Flop Switcher, with digital control), 1972, Multikeyer (Analog with digital control), 1973. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art, .", 1992.
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Burris, Jon. "Did the Portapak Cause Video Art? Notes on the Formation of a New Medium." Millennium Film Journal 29 (1996).
