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Landnzan, Katherine. "The Kitchen." Videoscope 1, no. 2 (1977).
Leogrande, Ernest. "The Video Stretch." Daily News (1973).
London, Barbara. Video Spaces: Eight Installations. NY, NY: The Museum of Modern Art, 1995.
London, Barbara. "Video: A Selected Chronology, 1963-1983." Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium Fall, no. 1985 (1985).
London, Barbara. Bill Viola: Installations and Videotapes The Poetics of Light and Time, Edited by Barbara London. NY, NY: The Museum of Modern Art, 1987.
London, Barbara. Video from Tokyo to Fukui and Kyoto. NY, NY: The Museum of Modern Art, 1979.
London, Barbara. "Time as Medium: Five Artists' Video Installations." Leonardo 28, no. 1 (1995).
Lucas, Kristin. "Why do I keep repeating myself?" Felix Voyerism 2, no. 2 (1999).
Marsh, Ken. "Community Video: An Inner Look." Videoscope 1, no. 2 (1977).
Electronic Arts Series: January - May 1977. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/Buffalo, 1977.
Electronic Arts: October 1977.. Buffalo, NY: Media Study/ Buffalo, 1977.
Design / Electronic Arts Poster. Buffalo, NY: Media Study Buffalo, 1977.
Mella, Leanne. Set in Motion: The New York State Council on the Arts Celebrates 30 Years of Independents: On Television. New York, NY: The New York State Council on the Arts, 1994.
Meredith, Suzanne. "Hidden Treasure - 3 Flights Up." Press & Sun Belletin (2005).
