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Fernseh GMBH Vidicon Portable TV Broadcast System (2 copies). Darmstadt , Germany: Fernseh GMBH, 1965.
Fernseh GMBH Portable TV-Transmission Equipment KS9D. Darmstadt , Germany: Fernseh GMBH, 1965.
Ferkiss, Victor C., and Elting E. Morison. Technological Man: The Myth and the Reality. New York, Toronto, NY, Ontario, Canada: New American Library/ Times Mirror, 1969.
Fenton, Kirk. "Bringing TV To the People." Pipe Dream (1971).
Fenton, Charles. Guide 2 Ohio Media Equipment, Edited by Charles Fenton. Columbus, OH: Ohio Arts Council, 1981.
Felsenstein, Lee. "?Report on the Status of the Tom Swift Terminal Design?" LGG Engineering 1, no. 1 (1976).
Felsenstein, Lee. "Tom Swift Lives." People?s Computer Company (undated).
Fell, John L.. Film: An Introduction. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers, 1975.
Felix, Zdenek. Shigeko Kubota: Video Sculpture, Edited by Zdenek Felix. Berlin: Museum Folkwang Essen, 1981.
Feist, Rick. "What the Manual Didn't Tell You: Film/Tape Image Conversion." The Independent 15, no. 1 (1992).
Farrell, Tom. "We Can't Go Home Again." Sight & Sound 50, no. 2 (1981).
Fargier, Jean Paul. Shigeko Kubota: Video Sculptures. In German and English., Edited by Jean Paul Fargier. Essen: Museum Folkwang Essen/DAAD/Kunsthaus Zurich, 1981.
Fairlight CMI Owner's Manual. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, Inc., undated.
Carlos, Michael, and Tom Stewart. Fairlight CMI Page R- Real Time Composer Operator Manual. Los Angeles, CA: Fairlight Instruments, Inc., 1983.
Stewart, Tom, and Peter Farleigh. Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument General Interface Card Manual for the General Interface (MIDI/SMPTE) Card and Support Unit Revision 1.5. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, Inc., 1986.
Fairlight Computer Video Instrument Sales Literature. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, undated.
Fairlight Computer Video Instrument Operator Manual Revision 5. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, undated.
A Guide to Programming the Fairchild F-8 Microcomputer, Revision A. Mountain View, CA: Fairchild Semiconductor, 1975.
Fairchild Semiconductor F8 Microprocessor. Mountain View, CA: Fairchild Semiconductor, 1975.
Instruction Manual for Fairchild Model 658A Reverberation System includes the Integra Series Model 661 Auto-Ten (TL) Automatic Attenuator; 662 Preamplifier.. L.I.C., N.Y.: Fairchild Recording Equipment Corporation, undated.
"various." Release Print: The newsletter of Film Arts Foundation 16, no. 9 (1993): 1-29.
