
Filters: First Letter Of Title is A  [Clear All Filters]
Hagen, Charles, and Laddy Kite. "A Syntax of Binary Images: An Interview With Woody Vasulka." Afterimage 6, no. 40545 (1978).
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: On the Nature of Things. Warszawa: Galeria Foksal, 1996.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: On the Nature of Things. Bologna: LINK Project, 1997.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Of Shadow and Light. Den Haag, Nederland: World Wide Video Center, 1994.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Electronic Media Catalog Video Works. Zurich: Arts Council of Switzerland, 1989.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Electronic Media. Zurich: Arts Council of Switzerland, 1989.
Hahn, Alexander. Alexander Hahn: Rats.Ratten. Berlin: DAAD/Stop Over Press, 1994.
Haller, Robert, and Virgil Grillo. An Alliance for the Media Arts in America: A Report on the formation of the National Alliance of Media Arts Centers and its Founding Conference in Boulder, Colorado, May 29-31, 1980. Boulder, CO: Rocky Mountain Film Center, 1980.
Hathaway, James. "Artist Uses Technology to Tackle the World." Arizona State University College of Fine Arts Newsletter (1994).
Hayman, Randy. "Archiving Videotape." Audio Visual Communications (1991).
Henderson, Brian. A Critique of Film Theory. NY: E. P. Dutton, 1980.
Herzogenrath, Wulf. "Attempts to Get Rid of the Damned Box." Video 80 5 (1982).
High, Kathy, and Ralph Hocking. A Closer Look: Hidden Histories - Radical Learning, Radical Perception The History of the Experimental Television Center. San Francisco, CA: NAMAC, 2005.
Hill, Chris. Attention! Production! Audience!: Performing Video in its First Decade, 1968-1980.. Chicago: Video Data Bank, 1995.
Hindman, James. "A Survey of Alternative Video Part I." AFI Edurational Newsletter 4, no. 2 (1980).
Hindman, James. "A Survey of Alternative Video Part 2." AFI Edurational Newsletter 4, no. 3 (1980).
Hocking, Sherry Miller. An Introduction to Portable Video Systems. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1976.
Holman, David, and Bruce L. Holman. A Better Mousetrap: The CAESAR. Filmmakers Newsletter, 1975.
