
Filters: First Letter Of Title is O  [Clear All Filters]
Prentice, Patrick, Ira Zarov, Dinah Prentice, and Dorothy Feeley. "Overview (1998) and Descriptions (1972, 1973)." Tube 1, no. 1 (1973).
Operator's Manual for Sound Sweep 5050.. Westwood Village, CA: Portman Shore Electronics, undated.
Plessi, Fabrizio. Only Fire, Edited by Gabriele Bosch, Christine Humpl and Monika Maul. Edition Sammlung Essl, 2001.
Pincus-Witten, Robert. "Open Circuits: The Future of Television." Artforum, no. 12 (1974).
Lieberman, Laura C.. Once Is Not Enough. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 1990.
"Out of Focus - Don Hallock." Focus - The Magazine of KQED Television and Radio (1973).
Kearns, Mary Ann. Origins: REdiscovering the Future of Video Art. Vol. Cambridge. Boston, MA: Art Interactive, 2003.
Conrad, Tony. "Open Reel Videotape Restoration." The Independent 10, no. 8 (1987).
Churchill, Ted. "Organism: From Time Compression to Time Capsule, An Interview with Hilary Harris." The Independent Gazette: Journal of Independent FIlm and Video Artists 1, no. 1 (1976): 1.
Cameron, Eric. "On Painting and Video." Pararcute 11 (1978).
