Sony Corporation of America. New Product Information. VO-3800 Portable Color Videocassette Recorder. Full Color Recording and Playback compatible with all U-Matic Machines AC or Battery Operation.. New York, NY: Sony Corporation of America., 1974.
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Sony Corporation of America. Photofact Folder with CircuiTrace, Set 1395, Folder 3, Sony Model KV-1730R Color TV.. Indianapolis, IN: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc, 1974.
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Sony Corporation of America. Sony MF Trinitron Color Video Camera DXC-1640 Operating Instructions.. Japan: Sony Corporation of America., 1979.
Sony Corporation of America. Sony Videocassette Recorder U-Matic VO-2860 Operating Instructions.. Japan: Sony Corporation of America., undated.
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Sony Corporation of America. Sony. Color Tuner/Modulator TUM-100 Operating Instructions.. Japan: Sony Corporation of America., undated.
SONY. Trinitron Color Monitor, KX-4200.. Japan: Sony Corp., 1984.
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