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Special Purpose Television Systems by Edo Western. Salt Lake City, Utah: Edo Western, 1972.
Burnham, Jack. "Systems Aesthetics." Artforum 7, no. 1 (1968).
Buchla, Don, Charles Macdermed, and Don Armfield, photos. Synthesizers, includes "Genesis of the Electronic Music Box"., Edited by unknown. unknown, 1971.
Brewster, Richard, and Dave Jones. System II. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1977.
Brewster, Richard, and Dave Jones. System I, Sequencer. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1978.
Brewster, Richard, and Dave Jones. System I, Keyers and Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA's). Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1978.
Brewster, Richard, and Dave Jones. System I, General Schematics. Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1978.
Boyle, Deirdre. "Skip Blumberg Warms Up TV." Sightlines (1982).
Boyle, Deirdre. "Subject to Change: Guerrilla Television Revisited." Art Journal: Video - The Reflexive Medium, no. Fall 1985 (1985).
Bode, Peer. Some Thoughts on Learning by Reading the Tools: Embodying the Time Image., 2003.
Betancourt, Michael. Structuring Time: Notes On Making Movies. Wildside Press LLC, 2004.
Baudrillard, Jean. Simulations. Translated by Paul Foss, Paul Patton, Philip Beitchmann.. Semiotext(e), 1983.
Barthes, Roland. S/Z. Translated by Richard Howard.. NY: Hill and Wang, 1974.
Bark Productions, Cuddy, Terry, John Beer, and Marshall Stax. Self-Portrait (Upside Down) by John Beer and Terry Cuddy. Ithaca, NY: Bark Productions, undated.
Baker, Henry. "Synapse Distribution." Televisions 6, no. 3 (1978).
Baggs, Tom. Show Notes by Tom Baggs. Cincinnati, OH: Tom Baggs Video Gallery, undated.
