
Filters: First Letter Of Title is S  [Clear All Filters]
Shibaden. SV700UC Solid State Video Taperecorder.. Japan: Shiba Electric Co., LTD., undated.
Shibaden. 17" Solid State Video Monitor, VM-171.. Japan: Shiba Electric Co., LTD., undated.
Sheridan, Lee. "Springfield Area Artists in Experimental TV Show." Springfield Daily News (1972).
Sharp.. Sharp Electronics Corporation. Sharp Service Information, Color Monitor/Receiver Model XR-2134. Outstanding Reception the World Over.. Paramus, NJ, Japan: Sharp Electronics Corporation., undated.
Serge.. Serge. Synthesizer Modules Schematics.. Serge., undated.
Serge.. Serge. Introduction to the Use of the Serge Modular Music System.. Serge., undated.
Serge Modular Music Systems. Eight page packet of information.. Serge Company, undated.
Serge Company. Serge Modular Music System. Catalog and Data Sheet.. San Francisco, CA: Serge Company, undated.
Sequential Max Keyboard; Multi-Trak Keyboard Sales Sheets.. San Jose, CA: Sequential, undated.
Sencore "the all american line." PS163 Dual Trace Triggered Sweep Oscilloscope. Service Manual.. Sioux Falls, SD: Sencore., undated.
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Division 57 Television Standard Nomenclature, Chassis Nos. 528.62454, 528.62484, 529.62454, 529.62484.. Sears, Roebuck and Co., undated.
Scientific American. Microelectronics. September 1977. Volume 237, Number 3.. New York, NY: Scientific American Inc., 1977.
Schlanger, Matthew, and David Jones. Schematics and notes in regard to First Jones Frame Buffer from Matthew Schlanger to Peer Bode (11 pages).. Owego, NY: Experimental Television Center, undated.
Schier, Jeffrey. Sandin Image Processor - Excerpts of Description of Analog IP modules from Pioneers of Electronic Art., 1992.
Sarkes Tanzian Inc. PDA-VDA Broadcast Equipment Division. Pulse Distribution Amplifier 85-341, Video Distribution Amplifier 85-182. Instruction Book 100-365.. Bloomington, IN: Sarkes Tanzian Inc., undated.
Sarkes Tanzian Inc. PDA-VDA Broadcast Equipment Division. Verticle Interval Switcher VIS-88. Operation and Maintenance Manual 100-492-1. Bloomington, IN: Sarkes Tanzian Inc., 1967.
Sanyo Electric Inc. Sanyo DCR 150. Operating Instructions. AM/FM Stereo Receiver.. Compton, CA, Japan: Sanyo Electric Inc., undated.
Sanyo Electric Inc. Sanyo Portable Video Cassette Recorder VCC 7100 Operating Instructions.. Compton, CA, Japan: Sanyo Electric Inc., undated.
Sanyo Electric Inc. Sanyo Viewfinder Color Television Camera VCC 8100 Operating Instructions.. Compton, CA, Japan: Sanyo Electric Inc., undated.
Sanyo Electric Inc. Sanyo Viewfinder Color Television Camera VCC 8100 Service Manual.. Compton, CA, Japan: Sanyo Electric Inc., 1975.
Sandin, Dan, and Phil Morton. Sandin Image Processor 1971-1973., undated.
Sandin, Dan, and Thomas DeFanti. Some Organizing Principles in Man Machine Interaction. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, undated.
Sandin, Dan, and Phil Morton. Sandin Image Processor Presently Optimized. Chicago, IL: self-published, 1971.
Sandin, Dan, and Dick Sippel. Schematics and Instructions for Sandin Image Processor., undated.
Sandin, Daniel. Sandin Image Processor Construction Manual. Daniel Sandin, undated.
Sanborn. Sanborn Company. Sanborn Twin-Viso Models 60-300, 60-400, 60-1000. Instruction Manual.. Waltham, MA: Sanborn Company, 1958.
