
Filters: First Letter Of Title is T  [Clear All Filters]
Buck-Morse, Susan. The Origin of Negative Dialectics: Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin, and The Frankfurt Institute.. NY: Free Press, 1979.
Brown, George. Tools by George Brown., 2020.
The Second Emerging Expression Biennial: The Artist and the Computer. Bronx, NY: Bronx Museum, 1987.
Brill, Amy. The Digital Directory: Art and Technology Resources in New York State, Edited by Amy Brill. NYC, NY: New York Foundation for the Arts in partnership with the New York State Council on the Arts, 1999.
Brand, Stewart. The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at MIT. NY: Viking, 1987.
Boomgaard, Jeroen. The magnetic era : video art in the Netherlands : 1970-1985., Edited by Jeroen Boomgaard and Bart Rutten. Rotterdam: NAI Publishers, 2003.
Boggs, Joseph M.. The Art of Watching Films: a guide to film analysis. Menlo Park, CA: The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1978.
Bode, Peer. The Electronic Gallery. Binghamton , NY: University Art Gallery, Binghamton University, 1983.
Birkerts, Sven. The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age. Boston, MA: Faber and Faber, 1994.
Bertram, Neal H., and David Mills R. Michael Stafford. "The Print/Through Phenomenon." Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 28, no. 10 (1979).
Berger, John. The Look of Things. NY: Viking Press, 1972.
Bensinger, Charles. The Video Guide. Third Edition.. Santa Fe, NM: Video Info Publications, 1982.
Beck, Stephen. "The Phosphotron." SEND 9 (1984).
The National Video Preservation Center - A Brief Overview., undated.
Baudrillard, Jean. The Mirror of Produrtion. Translated by Mark Poster. St. Louis: , 1975.. St. Louis: Telos Press, 1975.
Battcock, Gregory. The New Art: A critical anthology, Edited by Gregory Battcock. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1966.
Battcock, Gregory, and Robert Nickas. The Art of Performance: A Critical Anthology, Edited by Gregory Battcock. New York: EP Dutton, 1984.
Battcock, Gregory. The New American Cinema, Edited by Gregory Battcock. New York: EP Dutton, 1967.
Barzyk, Fred. "TV as Art as TV." Print: Designing for TV: A Special Issue XXVI, no. I (1972).
Barzyk, Fred. "TV as Art as TV." Print: Designing for TV: A Special Issue XXVI, no. I (1972).
Barzyk, Fred. The Search for a Personal Vision in Broadcast Television. Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University, 2001.
Barnouw, Erik. The Golden Web: History of Broadcasting in the United States. NY: Oxford Press, 1968.
Barnouw, Erik, and Patricia Zimmermann. "The Flaherty." Wide Angle 17, no. 40547 (undated).
Barnouw, Erik. Tube of Plenty. NY: Oxford Press, 1975.
Barnouw, Erik. The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate. NY: Oxford Press, 1978.
