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"The Camera Age. NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1981.
The Living Room War. NY: Viking Press,, 1969.
The Human Condition. NY: Doubleday/Anchor Press, 1959.
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"Televisions: Video Pioneers, Volume 8, Number 1/2, $2.50., Edited by Gayle Gibbons, Larry Kirkman and Rebecca Moore., undated.
The Whitney Museum Biennial." Videography 8, no. 5 (1983).
"Toshio Matsumoto: Spanning Film and Video." Videography 3, no. 11 (1978).
"The Seventh Ithaca Video Festival." Videography 6, no. 11 (1981).
"The Independent Producer and Public Television: Independents Air Their Gripes." Videography 3, no. 7 (1978).
"The Home Video Market: Will Alternative Programming Make It?" Videography 5, no. 4 (1980).
"The Kitchen." Videography 2, no. 7 (1977).
"The Decade of the 1980s: More Observations Than Predictions." Videography 5, no. 1 (1980).
"Thank you and AuRevoir." Videography 9, no. 6 (1984).
"The State of the Art." Videography 4, no. 1 (1979).
"The Best of Creative Computing Vol. 1, Edited by David Ahl. Morristown, NJ: Creative Computing Press, 1976.
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The Video Underground." Art In America 59 (1971).