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Simmons, Allison. Television and Art: A Historical Primer for an Improbable Alliance in The New Television: A Public/Private Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
Sieling, Neil. "The National Alliance of Media Arts Centers." Afterimage 13, no. 4 (1985).
Shores, Patricia. The Electronic Gallery - Television Culture and Video Art. Owego, NY: SUNY Binghamton & The Experimental Television Center, 1980.
Sherman, Tom. The Premature Birth of Video Art. Syracuse, NY: self-published, 2007.
Sherman, Thomas. The Art Style Computer Processing System. Toronto, Ontario, 1974.
Sherarts, Karon. The National Media Education Directory, Edited by Karon Sherarts. San Francisco, CA: National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture, 1997.
Shayon, Robert Lewis. The Eighth Art, Edited by Robert Lewis Shayon. NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.
Sharp, Willoughby, and Liza Bear. "Terry Fox: Children's Videotapes." Avalanche (1974).
Sharp, Willoughby. "The Artists Satellite TV Network." Video 80 1, no. 1 (1980).
Sharp, Willoughby. "Terry Fox: Elemental Gestures." Avalanche (1970).
Sharp, Willoughby. "Telecommunications in the Space Shuttle Era." Video 80 1, no. 2 (1981).
Seid, Steve. "TechArcheology: A Symposium on Installation Art Preservation." MAIN, no. Winter 2000 (2000).
Schramm, Wilbur, and Donald F. Roberts. The Process and Effects of Mass Communications. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1971.
Schiller, Herbert I.. The Mind Managers. Boston: Beacon, 1970.
Schier, Jeffrey, and Diana Dosch. The Vasulka Imaging System, LSI-11. Buffalo, NY: The Vasulka Corporation, 1978.
Savage, Steve. "Take-Home Video Art." Videography 10, no. 8 (1985).
The 6th International Video Exchange Directory. Vancouver, British Columbia: Satellite Video Exchange Society, 1979.
Sanz, Luciana. The Language of Video., undated.
Sandin, Daniel J.. The Analog Image Processing Component of the Circle Graphics Habitat. Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, undated.
Sandin, Daniel. The Analog Image Processing Component of the Circle Graphics Habitat. self-published, undated.
Sandin, Dan. The Macro Proto Proposal. unpublished, undated.
and Sanders, Don Susan. The American Drive-In Movie Theatre. Hong Kong, Hong Kong: World Print, Ltd., 1997.
