
Various Product brochures including "101 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Video Equipment" (2), Adwar Post Production Keyer, Burst Adder, Portable Sync Generator, Chroma Keyer (modified Sony DXC-1600 CCU), Portable Color "Hip Switcher", Low Light Level Ampli. New York, New York: Adwar Video Corporation, undated.
Vasulka System Block Diagram. Buffalo, NY: The Vasulka Corporation, undated.
McArthur, Donald, and Richard Sherry Brewster, Miller. Vasulka, Experimental Television Center Computer Project documents (1977). Binghamton, NY: Experimental Television Center, 1977.
VDS160 User's Manual. Valley Data Sciences.. Mountain View, CA: Valley Data Sciences, 1986.
McLuhan, Marshall. Verbo-Voco-Visual Explorations. NY: Something Else Press, 1967.
Huberman, Anthony, Alanna Heiss, and Glenn D. Lowry. Video Acts: Single Channel Works from the Collections of Pamela and Richard Kramlich and the New Art Trust. P.S. 1, 2003.
Video Aids Corporation of Colorado. Model 5000 NTSC Color Genlock Sync Generator and Model 5000 Option 01 Helical Genlock Instruction Manual.. Loveland, CO: Video Aids Corporation of Colorado, undated.
Video Aids Corporation of Colorado. Product Catalog. Models 100, 5000, CPG-1, A-1, A-1A, etc.. Loveland, CO: Video Aids Corporation of Colorado, 1975.
Video Aids Corporation of Colorado. VACC Model A-1, Optical Isolator Kit Installation Manual.. Loveland, CO: Video Aids Corporation of Colorado, undated.
Video and Pulse Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual. Visual Electronics Corporation. Models V201-203, Visual VC201B, Visual VC220B.. NY, NY: Visual Electronics Corporation, 1965.
Delanty, Suzanne. Video Art. Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art,, 1975.
Rush, Michael. Video Art. NY, NY: Thames and Hudson, 2003.
Decter, Joshua. Video Art (Basic Art). Taschen, 2006.
Elwes, Catherine. Video Art: A Guided Tour. I., B. Tauris, 2005.
Schneider, Ira, and Mary Lucier Beryl Korot. Video Art: An Anthology, Edited by Ira Schneider. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.
Town, Elke. Video By Artists 2, Edited by Elke Town. Toronto: Art Metropole, 1986.
Boyle, Deirdre. Video Classics: A Guide to Video Art and Documentary Tapes. Phoenix, NY: Onyx Press, 1986.
Hanhardt, John. Video Culture: A Critical Investigation, Edited by John Hanhardt. Rochester: Visual Studies Workshop, 1986.
Kurtz, Bruce. Video in America in The New Television: A Public/Private Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
Ryan, Paul. Video Mind, Earth Mind: Art, Communications and Ecology. New York: Peter Lang, 1993.
Video Mudular Systems. System Features and Components.. Berkeley, CA: VMS, undated.
Video Performance by Walter Wright with the Paik Abe Video Synthesizer. April 5, 1974. Poster., 1974.
Boyle, Deirdre. Video Preservation: Securing the Future of the Past. NY, NY: Media Alliance, 1993.
Video Preservation Symposium. NY, NY: NYSCA, 1991.
Tennant, Carolyn. Video Rewind: A Seminar on Early Video History with Deirdre Boyle, Barbara London, Paul Ryan and Perry Teasdale., Edited by Carolyn Tennant. ETC, 1998.
Jevnikar, Jana. Video Services Profile. NY: Center for the Arts Information, 1983.
Gill, Johanna. Video: State of the Art. NY, NY: Working Papers, The Rockefeller Foundation, 1976.
Beck, Stephen. Video Synthesis in The New Television: A Public/Private Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
Sandin, Daniel. Video Synthesis Studio Background Information- Technical Capabilities: Sandin Image Processor and Peripheral Equipment Useful in Supporting the Image Processor, Edited by Jon Burris. Film/Video Arts, Inc., 1985.
Herzogenrath, Wulf. Video Tapes. In German and English. Kolnischer Kunstverein., 1974.
