Carl Geiger

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Carl Geiger is an artist, technologist and teacher with many years of experience in video, photography and computers. He is a co-founder of the Synapse Video Center at Syracuse University and Innervisions Media Systems, both non-profit organizations working with video as art. Presently he works for Enable, where he adapts computers and other technology for people with special needs. In Lafayette, NY, Carl has converted an old industrial building, The Creamery, into studios and living spaces for artists. Carl continues to create a wide variety of art such as Vista Fuel, six half-hour TV shows about art, life, love, ideas and travel broadcast in 1995; and Free Flow a street-level Internet site installation in 1996. He received a Finishing Funds award from the Experimental Television Center. He is a participating artist in The Pioneers of Digital Photography, a group exhibition at Open Space Gallery in Allentown. He also performed at the Video History: Making Connections conference organized by the Experimental Television Center, and held at Syracuse University in October 1998.