Challenge for Change at NYU conference November 21-23, 1971. 50 participants from NYS met with people from the Challenge for Change unit of the National Film Board of Canada. The NYU Media Coop gathered tapes and print materials concerning the proceedings. Conference was sponsored by the NYU Media Coop, the Alternate Media Center at NYU. Participants included Bonnie Klein (Media Equipment Pool, Rochester) Lynn McVeigh (Hunter College) Women's Video Collective, Open Channel, Ralph Hocking (Experimental Television Center), St. John Fisher College in Rochester, Red Burns ( Alternate Media Center at NYU), Lillian Katz (Port Washington Public Library), Joel Gold (Alternate Media Center at NYU), Len Chatwin (Challenge for Change), George Stoney (Alternate Media Center at NYU), Beryl Korot (Raindance), Bernard Grey (Community Video Center ), Skip Blumberg (Videofreex), Michael Shamberg, Thea Sklover, Bart Friedman (Videofreex), Gay Activists' Video Alliance, Tom Johnson (Social Research and Action Center at Antioch College), Jan Jalton (Blue Bus), Lee Fergueson (Women's Video Collective), Michael Goldberg (Video Exchange Directory in Vancouver)
Challenge for Change