Dan Winckler

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Dan Winckler is a performing artist and teacher of improvisational theater, networked collaboration and new media performance. He is a core member of SHARE, a not-for-profit support organization for audio, visual and new media artists. For the past five years, he has worked in improv and sketch comedy, live visual performance and video art, improvisational cinematography, webcasting, web programming, and community support and fundraising. He has performed bare stage improvisation with Gunshow and video improvisation with the ground-breaking groups Neutrino and Improv Everywhere. He has performed visuals at Ultrahang Fest 2007, Pixelache 2007, SHARE, SubTonic, { R } A K E, EyeWash, Blip Festival 2006, the Tank, ISEA 2006, the INTERNATIONAL CHIPTUNES RESISTANCE, and in the virtual world Second Life. He holds an M.S. in Integrated Digital Media from Polytechnic University, where he initiated an international collaboration between the University and Dutch new media organizations in the Kids Connect program, and a B.A. in Literary and Cultural Studies from the The College of William and Mary. When asked where he is from, he says Texas, Virginia, Belgium and New York. www.danwinckler.com