Ed Mellnik

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In 1973 Ed earned his BA from the State University of NY at Buffalo.

From 1974 to the present, Video Artist Ed Mellnik has been on the cutting edge of electronic art. He has won numerous awards for his short works as well as having them shown around the world in museums and alternative spaces.  His early work was created at the Experimental Television Center in New York State.

He has been awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and is an Oregon Arts Commission Fellow.Several of his short works have been broadcast on stations KQED in San Francisco and has had several programs aired on The Discovery Channel.

Ed Mellnik is well known for his interactive and sculptural gallery installations. He has  taught computer animation at the NW Film Center, been an artist in residence in many Oregon Schools.  Since 1985 he has been the owner and creative director of EMA Video Productions, Inc. where he produces animation, TV commercials,corporate marketing and training videos for NW companies.

Short list of Video work can be found at www.edmellnik.com

Short  list of video installations:

A Boob in a Tube-A Nixon Video Ride, SUNY at Buffalo 1973

Backfeed, SUNY at Buffalo, 1974

EMIT-NON-TIME, SUNY at Buffalo, 1975

Backfeed II, U.S. Embassy, Mexico City, 1976

Vertical Hold, Oregon Museum of Science,1977

525 Lines, Open Gallery, Eugene Oregon, 1979 

LightSOFT, Northwest Artist Workshop, Portland Oregon, 1980

VideoSpaceQuake, Portland Oregon 1981

Projections, The Artist Union, Portland Oregon, 1982

Thirty Frames Per Second, Art Quake, Portland Oregon 1983

Artist in the Schools - 1980, Oregon Committee for the Humanities - Grant for "Status and Style"

Artist in Residence – Administered by NW Film Center  to work with several Coastal schools on making PSA’s for Meth Awareness – 2006

Many other installations and live performances.