Finishing Funds

Finishing Funds is a grants program of the Experimental Television Center, supported by the New York State Council on the Arts. Awards for 1990 were made to: Merrill Aldighieri and Joe Tripician Metaphoria Mara Alper Silent Echoes Cat Ashworth Glass Wall Robert Attanasio No Illusions Maria Beatty Spinxes without Secrets Peer Bode Invisible Landscape Abigail Child Swamp Kate Doyle Living with the Bases Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liotta Open Sesame Carl Geiger Rubble Tumble installation Barbara Hammer Thanatos Kathy High Underexposed: The Temple of the Fetus Mona Jimenez October Sketch Joel Katz Corporation with a Movie Camera Deans Kepple Vision Quest John Knecht Mutter and Fodder installation Barbara Kristaponis Sound Shadows Elodie Lauten The Soundless Sound Terry McCoy The Public Life of Art: The Museum Daniel Minahan Package Pam Payne Brief Undermode Grai St. Clair Rice Ransom for Memory Stephanie Rowden Cabinet of Rhymes & Riddles installation Matthew Schlanger Blowgun John Sturgeon Inside Out Jo Wright Whitten China's Children Neil Zusman Ephemeris Panel: Raymond Ghirardo and Arthur Tsuchiya
