Finishing Funds

Finishing Funds is a grants program of the Experimental Television Center, supported by the New York State Council on the Arts. Awards for 1991 were made to: Benton Bainbridge Contact Joan Boccino Mom Makes Lasagna Bill & Mary Buchen Electric Village Christopher Burke El Patron Norman Cowie and Trish Rosen It's a Proud Day for America Jean de Boysson Teile Dich Nacht Bradley Eros and Jeanne Liotta Apocatopia Lluis Escartin 75 Drive Away Shalom Gorewitz Rock Dancing John Gwin Power Toy Barbara Hammer Naked Singularities Ron Jackson and Gregory Thomas Still Life Kakuna Kerina Where Boys Rule Bill Klaila Espresso Mini Wago Kreider Nostalgia Jill Kroesen The Bird Cynthia Lopez A base de nuestro sacrificioÖ Cara Mertes Details Sarah Montague In Time of the Breaking of Nations Mary Neininger Urban Ritual Pam Payne What We Do Mary Perillo Fractured Variations Nick Pietrocarlo and Roger Bourdeau On the Hair of a Buffalo Megan Roberts and Raymond Ghirardo Disguised as a Different Life Form Ellen Spiro Party Safe! William Trainer and Timothy Masick here Panel: Shu Lea Cheang, Robery Doyle, and Philip Mallory Jones
