Martha Wallner has worked in the independent media sector as an activist, producer, programmer, administrator and consultant. Currently she is the Grassroots Coordinator for a new alliance, the Media and Democracy Coalition. She was co-founder and coordinator of the Deep Dish TV Satellite Network for 7 years and a member of the Paper Tiger TV collective for 12 years. She co-organized Xchange TV, a solidarity project that packaged and distributed Nicarguan video in response to U.S. military intervention in Central America in the '80's. She was the advocacy director for the Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers in the early 90's and later directed Berkeley Community Media, the public access station in Berkeley, California. She received her master's degree in Communications and Mass Culture from Hunter College CUNY and has taught media studies classes at Ramapo College in New Jersey and the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, CA . Wallner has served on the boards of Media Network in NYC, Scribe Video in Philadelphia, PA and Media Alliance in San Francisco, CA. and is currently an advisor to the United Church of Christ's Media Empowerment Project. She has served on a number of funding and programming panels including, the media panel for NYSCA, the Rockefeller Foundation Media Fellowship Program, WHYY Independent Acquisitions Fund, WNET's Independent Focus program panel and the Funding Exchange's Media Justice Fund. As a consultant she has worked with Access SF, Santa Cruz Community Television, the National Radio Project, Third World Majority, Media Alliance, Paper Tiger TV, the Ford Foundation, the Social Science Research Council and the Women Donors Network.
Martha Wallner
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