Multi-media artists, curators and new media activists, Mary Magsamen and Stephan Hillerbrand, have been collaborating for the past 5 years. Both Mary and Stephan's work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Exhibitions include; The New York Underground Film Festival, The Aurora Picture Show, White Columns, Momenta, Artspace, The Urban Institute for Contemporary Art and the Florida Atlantic University Gallery. Stephan Hillerbrand is a National Endowment for the Arts and Art Matters Grant recipient and a MacDowell Colony Fellow. Mary Magsamen is a recipient of the Longwood Cyber Residency and the Experimental Television Center Finishing Fund. Both Mary and Stephan received their Masters degrees from the Cranbrook Academy of Art. They have both been awarded the 2003 Lower Manhattan Cultural Centers Artist-in-Residence "Workspace Program: The Woolworth Building" for their collaborative project Das Angstbauen. Artist Statement: Our work utilizes fantasy, role-playing and self-portraiture to explore the ideas of the reconstruction and reinterpretation of memory. It is about play and hope and escape. Using our personal experiences to communicate an idea, we create a universe through video. We often employ a stream of consciousness method when working on a project, which is facilitated through the use of technological advances in digital image acquisition and manipulation.
Mary Magsamen and Stephen Hillerbrand
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Magsamen and Stephen Hillerbrand
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