Looking Back/Looking Forward: A Symposium on Electronic Media Preservation
Saturday, June 1, 2002 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Hosted at Downtown Community TV Center
FRIDAY MAY 31, 2002
12:30 pm Coffee and Check-in
1:00 Welcome, Introductions, Goals
1:30 – 3:00 Issues in Physical Preservation
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 4:00 Issues in Physical Preservation continued
4:00 – 5:00 The Economics of Physical Preservation
The economics of BAVC’s facility will be discussed. Electronic Arts Intermix, Video Data Bank, V Tape and others will share their experiences with remastering projects. What does it really cost to operate a remastering facility? What are possible models for support of a facility? What problems of access and maintenance do the hardware and devices pose and how can we solve them? What does this discussion of economics tell us about where we need to go from here?
5:30-7:00 Reception at MercerMedia
Join us at an informal gathering hosted by MercerMedia, 135 West 26th Street 12th Floor, immediately following the last session on Friday. MercerMedia offers a range of audio and video post-production services, and in collaboration with the Standby Program provides media streaming solutions for independent producers.
10:00 am Coffee and Check-in
10:30-11:30 Media Formats Update and Discussion
Mona Jimenez (Materia Media) will briefly summarize the different points of view in the archival and media arts community concerning formats. What are the new media formats - digital tape, optical media – which have become available within the last several years? What do archivists and other professionals recommend for a “preservation format”? What are the pros and cons of various formats? How do these recommendations apply in practice to the independent media community?
11:30-12:30 pm Assessing a Collection for Preservation
Sarah Stauderman (Smithsonian Institution) will present a summary of the questions archivists and conservators typically ask when prioritizing a list of works from a collection for possible remastering. How do cost and complexity of the remastering process impact decisions? In practice, how are works selected for remastering? Are there similar issues when tackling preservation of hardware and tools?
12:30 – 1:45 Lunch on your own
1:45-3:00 Issues in Capturing Related Histories
3:00 – 3:15 Break
3:15 – 4:30 What’s Next?
What initiatives or projects are needed? How can we clearly define our goals? What resources are required? How can we raise awareness of the need for preservation of independent works? How can we broaden this conversation and invite others to participate? How can we advance preservation of independent media within the larger context of the history of the electronic arts? How can we enrich the scope of concerns to include artists’ tools and ephemera?
4:30-5:00 Summary and Conclusions
The symposium is organized by the Experimental Television Center (ETC) in association with Independent Media Arts Preservation (IMAP), Bay Area Video Coalition and the Electronic Media Specialty Group of the AIC (American Institute for the Conservation of Artistic and Historic Works). Looking Back/Looking Forward is hosted by the Downtown Community Television Center and is made possible with public funds from the Electronic Media and Film Program of the NYS Council on the Arts, and assistance from IMAP, MercerMedia and Dave Jones Design. The symposium is organized by Sherry Miller Hocking, Assistant Director of the Experimental Television Center, and independent consultant Mona Jimenez.