Bob was one of the founding faculty members originating Antioch's nationally known program in critical communications, film and video, and has served as Chair of the program a number of times. He has taught film history and theory and the use of media for social change for the past thirty five years, and has been actively involved in the fields of community media, public access and participatory democratic media. His work in this field has involved the start-up of the Dallas, Milwaukee and Manhattan cable access systems, as well as policy planning, system design, community ascertainment and system evaluation for a number of access organizations across the country. Most recently he served as the Interim Executive Director of Manhattan Neighborhood Network, the largest access facility in the country. Bob serves on the Board of Alliance for Community Media, and has served on the Editorial Board and contributed to Community Media Review for several decades. He served as Academic Dean in 1994-95 and then as President of Antioch College from 1996-2001, while continuing to teach in the field of film studies and community media. Bob is the 1994 recipient of the Alliance for Community Media's "George Stoney Award for Humanistic Communications" recognizing his national contributions to the field of community media, and the 2002 recipient of the Antioch College Alumni Association's "J.D. Dawson Award" recognizing his contributions to the College.
Bob Devine
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