Al Margolis was one of the prime movers in the legendary cassette underground scene of the 1980s (between 1984 and 1991 his Sound Of Pig label released over 300 cassettes of music by the likes of Merzbow, Costes, Amy Denio, John Hudak and Jim O'Rourke) and is the eminence grise behind twenty years of music under the name If, Bwana. He is the man behind the Pogus label, as well as label manager for Deep Listening, XI Records, and Mutable Music. He has recorded and/or performed with Pauline Oliveros, Ione, Joan Osborne, Adam Bohman, Monique Buzzarte, Katherine Liberovskaya, Ellen Christi, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Jane Scarpantoni, Ulrich Krieger, David First,Dave Prescott, Hal McGee, Sarah Weaver, Hudson Valley Soundpainting Ensemble, and Amoeba (Raft) Boy, among others.
Al Margolis
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