Luciana Sanz is an Argentinian video artist, technologist and writer based in NYC. She has received her education in Argentina, Italy and New York, graduating with Honors with a double major BFA in Film/Video Production and Literature from Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. She received a full academic scholarship from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, where she completed her Masters degree and directed the project Z-Hive, designing and developing an immersive environment. She received first prize in the Poetry Category from the Buenos Aires Cultural Council for Young Writers in a juried competition on creative writing in 1997. Sanz has conducted visual research, design and content creation at the Experimental TV Center, NY, working with the Center's unique tool set and integrating it into innovative forms. For three years she was a full-time researcher and systems integration designer at the Hayden Planetarium, Museum of Natural History, where she implemented 3-D graphic systems for multiple projections, immersive environments and surround sound. In 2001 she joined the pioneering New York audiovisual group Amoeba Technology, with whom she has traveled throughout the globe as videographer and multimedia artist, performing live video and screening works in places such as The Kitchen (NYC), Symphony Space (NYC), Basel Art Fair (Basel,Switzerland), Spannwerk (Berlin, Germany), Forum des Images (Paris, France), Center for Modern Art PRIBOY (St. Petersburg, Russia). She has directed, shot and edited over 10 films and videos which have been released on various experimental video labels in the US and abroad. Luciana Sanz composes imaginary landscapes through the visualization of sensory experiences: collaborating closely with musicians to achieve a unified audiovisual expression; incorporating camerawork, image processing and live video sequencing/mixing; blending art and technology, reality and abstraction to construct enveloping multimedia environments of perceptive unrealities and oniric states of mind.
Luciana Sanz and Amoeba Technology
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Sanz and Amoeba Technology
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