Fiona Templeton's work ranges across various disciplines. She has been awarded fellowships from the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts in both Poetry and Visual Arts (new genres); an Abendzeitung Muenchen Sterne des Jahres for theatre; and two fellowships from New York Foundation for the Arts for performance, as well as one for playwriting. She was 1996-7 Senior writer-in-residence at the English Faculty of Cambridge University, England, and 2000-2003 Arts and Humanities Research Board fellow with the Department of Theatre Studies, University of Lancaster, England. In December 2002 she received the annual Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts grant for theatre in New York. She was co-founder of the London company, The Theatre of Mistakes, in the 70s. The company's work had a seminal influence on performance and theatre of the last 2 decades; the company's own book, written by Templeton and Anthony Howell, Elements of Performance Art, is soon to be republished. (See Art into Theatre by Nick Kaye, Harwood 1997.) Born in Scotland, Fiona lives mostly in New York since the late 70s, writing and directing. Her award-winning and influential YOU--The City, "an intimate citywide play for an audience of one", has since been recreated in six countries and languages, including at the London International Festival of Theatre in 1989, and most recently as a key project of Rotterdam Cultural Capital of Europe 2001. There is also a film of the New York version. Fiona has received play commissions from Theater Cocteau-Basel, Switzerland; Art Awareness, Lexington NY; New York State Council on the Arts; and the Mickery, Amsterdam. She has performed and directed throughout Europe and the U.S. Her theatre work is an investigation of theatre as a total medium -- textual, visual, spatial, temporal, and as an "art of relation", in particular in its thinking of the audience. She has been commissioned to create a new work, L'Ile (The Island), a theatre game by appointment, for the opening of Lille European Cultural Capital 2004 in December 2003. Long-term, she has been writing a project for multiple directors, called Realities, which consists of 5 interrelated plays. Her solo work Recognition, the first of the plays, was produced at the Kitchen, New York and the ICA, London, and the Cambridge Conference on Contemporary Poetry 1996-7. The second work, Borders, was written for Gledalisce Glej, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The third work, The Medead, is in progress. It is a play that retells the whole life-story of Medea, for 10 performers, to be produced by the Glasgow Tramway and the Rotterdamse Schouwburg, and has involved research into the origins of the Medea figure in what is now the Republic of Georgia. Her books include poetry (London, Hi Cowboy, oops the join), plays (Delirium of lnterpretations, YOU--The City), performance (Elements of Performance Art) and the visual arts (Cells of Release). This last was written for a two-year installation in an abandoned prison in Philadelphia in collaboration with Amnesty International and Prison Sentences. Fiona regularly publishes poetry and theoretical articles; she has made a film of YOU-The City, and a short opera on videotape with composer Randall Eng, The Woman in the Green Coat. She was U.S. editor of Shattered Anatomies, an anthology box of objects and writings on traces of contemporary performance, published by Arnolfini Live, Bristol; U.S. contributing editor of Grey Suit, a magazine for art and literature on videotape; and contributing editor of Big Allis poetry magazine, New York.
Fiona Templeton
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