Parry Teasdale was a founding member of the Videofreex, Inc. From 1969 through the mid-70s, the artists, producers and technicians of this collective and its successor organization, Media Bus, pushed emerging low-cost video technology beyond the limits its makers anticipated, creating a large library of tapes, installations, events and nonsense first in New York City and later in Lanesville, NY and around the US and overseas. He led the effort to start Lanesville TV, the nation's first pirate TV station in 1972 and he wrote Spaghetti City Video Manual (Praeger, 1973) as well as numerous articles for contemporary journals. He subsequently served as a consultant to the Federal Communications Commission Low Power TV Task Force and is currently managing editor of the weekly Woodstock Times and chair of the New York State Regents Advisory Council on Libraries. His latest book, Videofreex: A Memoir of Lanesville TV, America's First Pirate Television Station will be published in the Spring 1999.
Parry Teasdale
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