Trebor Scholz

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Scholz is a media artist whose current practice includes the organization of conferences, publications, online forums, and mailinglists and research networks as well writing about collaborative new media art, mapping and education. His work has been exhibited at the Venice Biennial (with Martha Rosler/ The Fleas), the Sao Paulo Biennial, FILE (Sao Paolo) and many other venues. Trebor was co-founder of Discordia and he organized several large scale programs such as "FreeCooperation" (2004, with Geert Lovink) and Kosov@: Carnival in the Eye of the Storm (2000). In 2004 he founded the Institute for Distributed Creativity, a research network that focuses on collaboration in media art, theory and education. He is assistant professor and researcher at the Department of Media Study, SUNY at Buffalo. A book "The Art of Online Collaboration" is forthcoming (eds. Lovink/Scholz).