Events by Year


Input, International Public Television Screening, instituted at a meeting organized by the Rockefeller Foundation and CIRCOM, International Co-operative for Research and Action in Communication. Recognized need for exchange of cultural programs among nations.


JVC introduced VHS format, in competition with Sony Betamax system.


KQED-TV, San Francisco, National Center for Experiments in Television (NCET) ends


Media Study/Buffalo "An Evening with Ralph Hocking"


Movements for Video Dance and Music at the Herbert F Johnson Museum, Ithaca.. performance with Peer Bode, Meryl Blackman, Bill Jones and Arnie Zane. Support from the Experimental Television Center.


Movements for Video Dance and Music at the Herbert F Johnson Museum, Ithaca.. performance with Peer Bode, Meryl Blackman, Bill Jones and Arnie Zane. Support from the Experimental Television Center.


Direct support of film production continues to grow despite New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) 6.9 million dollar budget reduction


Open Channel, New York, organization ends


Construction of the Pantomation system began in November 1976 at Electronic Body Arts, Albany.


Survival Arts Media Visiting Artists, 1976. Survival Arsts Media Visiting Artists Workshop schedule, co-sponsored by SAM, Howard Gutstadt and Molly Hughes, and the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library with assistance from Jean Haynes. Presentations by Lanesville TV; Bill Jungles; Jane Aaron; Walter Wright; Ernest Gusella.


Synergism, a travelling performance collaboration between Woodstock Community Video and Experimental Television Center. 1975 and 1976.. performance by Tobe Carey, Gary Hill, Sara Cook, Ken Marsh and Walter Wright. Use of image processors and synthesizers.


Synergism performance at ETC. Synergism performance at ETC. 3/23/76. With Gary Hill and Walter Wright. Use of Paik/Abe Video Synthesizer, Jones devices.


The Dreme Style of Michael Butler exhibition at the Everson Museum, Syracuse. 2/27-4/11/76. Video, costumes, photographs, drawings. Video produced at Experimental Television Center.


The Dreme-Style Michael L.V. Butler and His Circle at Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse. Included exhibition of video work produced at Experimental Television Center. Catalog editor: Michael L.V. Butler


Women's Video Festival at The Kitchen, September 28-October 14, 1976, co-sponsored by Women's Interart Center. Festival Co-ordinators - Susan Milano, Shridar Bapat and Patti Hazan. Kitchen Directors: Shridar Bapat, Jim Burton, Bob Stearns. Jane Aaron, Susan Amon, Wendy Appel, ArtDOC/NY, Varerie Bouvier, Nancy Cain, Doris Chase, Maxi Cohen, Victoria Costello, Louise Denver, Cara DeVito, Louise Etra, Dudley Evanson, Estelle Farber, Linda Gibson, Marisa Gioffre, Jenny Goldberg, Cynthia Grey, International Video letters, Shigeko Kubota, Pat Lehman, Lesbians Organized for Video Experience, Mary Lucier, Eva Maier, Laurie McDonald, Susan Milano, Susan Mogul, Tirzah Mutrux and Madge Stewart Willner, CHristina Noschese with Marisa Gioffre and Valerie Bouvier, Optic Nerve, Marcia Rock, Lynda Rodolitz, Ulrike Rosenbach, Santa Cruz Women's Media Collective, Tomiyo Sasaki, Rochelle Shulman, Spectra Feminist Media, Steina Vasulka, Carol Vontobel, Madge Stewart Willner, Susan Wolfson. Catalog.


Z80 introduced by Zilog, a 2.5 MHz 8 bit microprocessor whose instruction set supercedes the Intel 8080


"Video Maze" an exhibition of closed-circuit electronic sculpture by Electron Movers, at the Everson Museum of Art, September 26 - October 22, 1975. Curated by Richard Simmons. From the Press Release of the Everson Museum: The exhibition is described as participatory electronic sculpture and will utilize the museum goer in its many compositions and 'games'. The group's main concern is to establish and explore the realm of the electronic arts. There is great emphasis placed on the learning processed and perceptual development within the group and in certain pieces that the group executes. They are not concerned with established narrative formats of the communications media, but are trying to explore the intersections of many disciplines. Video is eclectic in nature - video is a combination of many modes of operation from other media. It even takes on the appearance of other aesthetics. Video can 'look like' drawing, painting, sculpture and film and it is all of these things. The potential of the video camera is the potential of the paint brush. The group of siz artists, Robert and Dorothy Jungels, Laurie McDonals, Alan Powell, Dennis Hlynsky and Ed Tannenbaum came together from...


12th Annual Avant Garde Festival held at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, Saturday September 27, 1975. Festival Director - Charlotte Morman. Video Program Director - Shridar Bapat. 12 hour continuous program of videotapes.


first mailing list created by ARPANET. Frst popular list was devoted to science fiction. First all-inclusive email program developed (reply, forward etc)


Arte de Video exhibition at Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas. Artists include Ralph Hocking, Woody and Steina Vasulka; Walter Wright.
