
Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is B  [Clear All Filters]
Butler, Michael L. V.. The Dreme-Style Michael L.V. Butler and His Circle . The Catalog. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum, 1976.
Bjorgeengen, Kjell. Riss: Kjell Bjorgeengen Videoskulpturer 1991. Oslo: Galleri K, 1991.
Boyle, Deirdre. Return of Guerrilla Television: A TVTV Retrospective. NY: International Center of Photography, 1986.
Quatorzieme Festival International Du Nouveau Cinema et de la Video Montreal, Edited by Natasha Bobouwski. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: CIDEM Cinema, 1985.
Bode, Peer. Ostee-Biennale 1992 Sad steinerne Licht. Kunsthalle Rostock, 1992.
Plessi, Fabrizio. Only Fire, Edited by Gabriele Bosch, Christine Humpl and Monika Maul. Edition Sammlung Essl, 2001.
Boyer, Jean-Pierre. L'Image Electronique. City du Havre: Studio du Musee d'art contemporain, 1974.
Bjorgeengen, Kjell. Kjell Bjorgeengen: New Videoworks. The National Museum/ The Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004.
Bjorgeengen, Kjell. Kjell Bjorgeengen. Oslo: Galleri K, 1995.
Baldessari, John. John Baldessari. Ny: The New Museum, 1981.
Batsry, Irit. Irit Batsry: To Leave and to Take, Video and Mixed-media Installation. Paris, France: La Ferme du Buisson, 2003.
Bubmann, Klaus, and Florian Matzner. eine DATA base: Nam June Paik, Edited by Klaus Bubmann. Germany, 1993.
Bubmann, Klaus, and Florian Matzner. eine DATA base: Nam June Paik, Edited by Klaus Bubmann. Germany, 1993.
Beck, Stephen. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Stephen Beck: Direct Video Synthesizer (Analog), 1970, Beck Video Weaver (Digital), 1974., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Hocking, Sherry Miller, and Richard Brewster. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Image Processing by Sherry Miller Hocking & Richard Brewster at the Experimental Television Center, 1986., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Beck, Stephen. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Image Processing and Video Synthesis by Stephen Beck., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Hocking, Sherry Miller, and Richard Brewster. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Image Processing by Sherry Miller Hocking & Richard Brewster at the Experimental Television Center, 1986., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Brown, George. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: George Brown, Video Sequencer (a.k.a. Field Flip/Flop Switcher, with digital control), 1972, Multikeyer (Analog with digital control), 1973., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Buchla, Don. Eigenwelt Der Apparate-Welt, Pioneers of Electronic Art: Don Buchla, Buchla 100 Series (Audio synthesizer), 1964., Edited by David Dunn. Linz, Austria: Ars Electronica, 1992.
Boyle, Deirdre. Documentary Video: Decades of Change. Long Beach Museum of Art, 1986.
Becker, Barbara. Cyborgs, Agents, and Transhumanists: Crossing Traditional Borders of Body and Identity in the Context of New Technology. In Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. Fifth Annual New York Digital Salon.. Vol. 33. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.
Benmussa, Simone, and Susan Britton. Babajaga: Rassegna Internazionale Donne Autrici di Cinema e Video. Schede Video.. Roma, Italy: Coop. Il Bagatto.
Benmussa, Simone, and Susan Britton. Babajaga: Rassegna Internazionale Donne Autrici di Cinema e Video. Schede Video.. Roma, Italy: Coop. Il Bagatto.
Berkowitz, Terry, and David Donihue. Alternating Currents. NY: Alternative Museum, 1985.
Blanchard, Simon, and David Morley. What Is This Channel Four?, Edited by Simon Blanchard. London: Comedia, 1982.
Blanchard, Simon, and David Morley. What Is This Channel Four?, Edited by Simon Blanchard. London: Comedia, 1982.
Bazin, Andre. What is Cinema? Essays selected and translated by Hugh Gray.. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967.
Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books, 1972.
Betancourt, Michael. Visual Music Instrument Patents: Volume One. Borgo Press, 2004.
