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Journal Article
Ancona, Victor. "Bill Ritchie: Video in the Pacific Northwest." Videography 2, no. 6 (1977).
Hamamoto, Darrell. "Bill Viola." LBMAVideo 2, no. 2 (1982).
Mignot, Dorine. "Bill Viola's Room for St. John of the Cross: A Video Installarion Viewed within the Tradition of Visual Art." Video (1986).
Minkowsky, John. "Bill Viola's Video Vision." Video 81 2, no. 1 (1981).
Ancona, Victor. "Bill Viola: Video Visions From the Inner Self." Videography 7, no. 12 (1982).
Ancona, Victor. "Bill Viola: Video Visions From the Inner Self, Part II." Videography 8, no. 1 (1983).
Minkowsky, John. "Bill Viola's Video Vision." Video 80 2, no. 1 (1981).
Rubin, Karen. "Binghamton: Video World Hollywood." Pipe Dream (1972).
"Black Face." The Quarterly Journal of the Black Filmmaker Foundation 1, no. 1 (1989).
Bannon, Anthony. "Bode's Video and COmputer Art Pulses With Nervous Energy." Buffalo Evening News (undated).
Hagen, Charles, and Laddy Kite. "Breaking The Box: The Electronic Operas of Robert Ashley and Woody Vasulka." Artforum 23, no. 7 (1985).
Fenton, Kirk. "Bringing TV To the People." Pipe Dream (1971).
Stone, Judy. "Bringing Video Art to the TV Screens." (1976).
McHale, John. "Buckminster Fuller's Geodesic Dome." (1956): 1-5.
Sevilla, Christine. "Cage: A Filmic Circus on Metaphors on Vision An Interview with Film Artist Lawrence Brose." Afterimage (2004).
Levine, Les. "Camera Art." Studio International 190 (1975).
O'Neil, Patrick. "Can Your TV Pass His Literacy Test?" Sun-Bulletin (1972).
Erdmann, Petra. "Cemeteries of Old Media." springerin, no. 4 (2004).
High, Kathy. "Censoring the Media." Felix: A Journal of Media Arts and Communication 1, no. 1 (1991).
Morello, Steve. "Center Lets People Use TV For Themselves." Press (1971).
Otto, Susan. "Changing channels: media arts in the '90s." Afterimage (1994).
Horitz, Robert. "Chris Burden." Artforum (1976).
Darke, Chris. "Chris Petit and Iain Sinclair Asylum." Film Comment (2000).
Lowe, Robert. "Cinema Department - Rebels with a Cause." Pipe Dream (1972).
Cawley, Tom. "City Director Films Life of Valentino." Binghamton Press (1973).
Kaplan, Alan. "Close Encounter with Ron Hays." Videography 3, no. 3 (1978).
Kerne, Andruid. "CollageMachine: An Interactive Agent of Web Recombination." Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. Fifth Annual New York Digital Salon. 33, no. 5 (2000).
Wortz, Melinda T.. "Collector's Video." Artweek 5, no. 23 (1974).
Collopy, Fred. "Color, Form, and Motion: Dimensions of a Musical Art of Light." Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. Fifth Annual New York Digital Salon. 33, no. 5 (2000).
Etra, Bill. "Colorizers Come of Age." Videography 4, no. 4 (1979).
