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Installation Operation Maintenance Manual. Audiocom. Telex Communications, Inc. Models: RM-10, RM-11, RM-12, RM-13, HE-15, ME-50, etc.. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Telex Communications, Inc., 1988.
"El Video issue." Telos, no. 9 (1987).
Tennant, Carolyn. The Process of Image Processing. Buffalo, NY, 2006.
The 6th Tokyo Video Festival. Tokyo, Japan: The 6th Tokyo Video Festival, 1983.
The 7th New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental Film/ Video Festival and The Kitchen present: Mix.. New York, NY, 1993.
The American Film Institute. News. Festival Track II: Cultural Identities and Regional Styles. The Other New York: Regional Reflection.. Los Angeles, CA: The American Film Institute, undated.
Richards, Catherine, and Mary Anne Moser. Angles of Incidence: Video Reflections of Multimedia Artworks. Banff, Alberta, Canada: The International Council for Computer Communication and The Banff Centre for the Arts, 1993.
"various." Black Face, no. Premiere (1989): 46.
Cancel, Luis R., and Julie Saul. Moholy-Nagy, Fotoplastiks: The Bauhaus Years.. Bronx, NY: The Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1983.
The Cat Fund: The Contemporary Art Television Fund. Boston, MA: The Cat Fund, 1988.
"Personalizing the Commercial (Part Two)." Center Quarterly: A Journal of Photography and Related Arts 10, no. 3 (1989): 1-31.
The Evolutionary Girls Club. Rochester, NY: PEP Studios, 2003.
The Evolutionary Girls Club (Not to be Mistaken for the Old Boys Club). Rochester, NY: PEP Studios, 2002.
Evo: The is a Reality Check. Rochester, NY: PEP Studios, 2003.
The Evolutionary Girls Club. Rochester, NY: PEP Studios, 2001.
@ Guggenheim: The Guide to the Guggenheim Museums: The Worlds of Nam June Paik.. New York, NY: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2000.
Visions of Diaspora. Tempe, AZ: The Institute for Studies in the Arts at Arizona State University., undated.
Varela, Willie, and James Irwin. Foreign Correspondence: The International Super 8 Phenomenon., Edited by Elyse Topalian. Somerville, MA: The International Center for 8mm Film and Video, Inc., 1986.
From to , Takahiko Iimura. Rome, Italy: The Japan Foundation, 1997.
Image/Process II. NY, NY: The Kitchen, 1983.
Image/Process I. NY, NY: The Kitchen, 1982.
Themes in Electronic Image Processing. NY, NY: The Kitchen, 1981.
Digital Happy Hour. New York, NY: The Kitchen, 2001.
ID/entity: Portraits in the 21st Century. New York, NY: The Kitchen, 2002.
Performance by Nam June Paik and Charlotte Moorman at The Kitchen. June 29, 1972.., 1972.
Poster for the 2nd Annaul Video Arts Festival. May 1973., 1973.
Official Program of the 1973 International Computer Arts Festival. April 1 - 14, 1973., 1973.
Kitchen Calendar November 1973. Live performance by Walter Wright on the Paik Abe Video Synthesizer. November 2, 1973., 1973.
January 1975 Programs. Exhibition by artists from ETC.., undated.
The Kitchen: Center for Video and Music 75-76. Library of Congress Catalogue No. 76-56972.. New York, NY: Haleakala, Inc., 1976.
