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Rees, A. L.. A History of Experimental Film and Video. British Film Inst, 1999.
Cohen, Janet. "Answers And Questions About Digital Collaboration." Afterimage (1999).
Turim, Maureen. "Artisanal Prefigurations of the Digital: Animating Realities, Collage Effects, and Theories of Image Manipulation." Wide Angle 21, no. 1 (1999).
Troy, Maria, and Steve Seid. "Back to the Future of Television: National Center for Experiments in Television Preservation Project Progress Report." MAIN (1999).
Schlanger, Matthew. Black Dog Dreams., 1999.
Young, Cynthia. Early Video History at Visual Studies Workshop., 1999.
Epson Stylus Color 760, 860 Operator Manual. Seiko Epson Corporation, 1999.
Bennahum, David S.. Extra Life: Coming of Age in Cyberspace. Basic Books, 1999.
Hayles, Katherine N., and Katherine Hayles. How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. University of Chicago, 1999.
Sturken, Marita. "Imaging postmemory/renegotiating history." Afterimage (1999).
Johnson, Steven. Interface Culture How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create and Communicate. Basic Books, 1999.
Heist, Eric, and Laura Parnes. Momenta Art: Exhibitions 1995 Through 1999.. Brooklyn, NY: Momenta Art, 1999.
Hocking, Ralph. Motion: An Exhibition of Essentialist Film and Video. - Artist Statement. Utica, NY: Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, 1999.
Knecht, John. Motion: An Exhibition of Essentialist Film and Video. The 58th Exhibition of Central New York Artists, Edited by John Knecht. Utica, NY: Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, 1999.
Zimmermann, Patricia R.. "NAMAC Conference Keynote Address - States of Emergency." Main (1999).
Manovich, Lev. New Media in Late 20Th-Century Art (World of Art). Thames & Hudson, 1999.
Muhammad, Erika Dalya. "Pressure Point - conference on narrative, media, and technology." Afterimage (1999).
Supanick, Jim. "Quest for What: Video by the HalfLifers." Film Comment (1999).
Curti, Denis, and Giovanni Pelloso. Recinti: Tell-a-Vision. Torino, Italy: Fondazione Italiana per la Fotografia, 1999.
Curran, Ann. "Signals in Syracuse - Video History: Making Connections conference." Afterimage (1999).
Rudolph, Hank. Studio Notes: Experimental Television Center., 1999.
Lerner, Jesse. "Superocheros." Wide Angle 21, no. 3 (1999).
Jones, Joe. Test file., 1999.
Rifkin, Jeremy. The Biotech Century: Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World. J P Tarcher, 1999.
Lunenfeld, Peter. The Digital Dialectic: New Essays on New Media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.
Brill, Amy. The Digital Directory: Art and Technology Resources in New York State, Edited by Amy Brill. NYC, NY: New York Foundation for the Arts in partnership with the New York State Council on the Arts, 1999.
Jones, Bill T.. The MIT Press. Continuous Replay: the Photographs of Arnie Zane., Edited by Jonathon Green. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999.
Gangitano, Lia. Thread Waxing Space. LP: Luther Price: Imitation of Life.. New York, NY: Thread Waxing Space, 1999.
Ryan, Paul. "Video Journey Through Utopia." Afterimage (1999).
