The 7th New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental Film/ Video Festival and The Kitchen present: Mix.. New York, NY, 1993.
The 6th Tokyo Video Festival. Tokyo, Japan: The 6th Tokyo Video Festival, 1983.
Video Rewind: A Seminar on Early Video History with Deirdre Boyle, Barbara London, Paul Ryan and Perry Teasdale., Edited by Carolyn Tennant. ETC, 1998.
Interview with Ralph Hocking., 2006.
The Process of Image Processing. Buffalo, NY, 2006.
Dialog with Ralph Hocking, Sherry Miller Hocking, Peer Bode, Pamela Hawkins and Carolyn Tennant., 2005.
Interview with David Jones., 2005.
A Video Processing Facility for Artistic Use: Design Philosophy and a Description of Components. San Francisco, CA: National Center for Experiments in Television at KQED, 1972.
"El Video issue." Telos, no. 9 (1987).
Installation Operation Maintenance Manual. Audiocom. Telex Communications, Inc. Models: RM-10, RM-11, RM-12, RM-13, HE-15, ME-50, etc.. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Telex Communications, Inc., 1988.
No Loose Ends: the Tektronix Proof-of-Performance Program for CATV., Edited by Tektronix. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix, 1973.
Television Products Application Notes, Nos. 1-5. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., undated.
Tekscope. Volume 8, Number 4.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1976.
Tektronix Instruction Manual for the Type 524 Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1960.
Tekscope. Volume 7, Number 4.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1975.
Tekscope. Volume 10, Number 2.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1978.
Tekscope: Volume 13, Number 1. Tektronix., Edited by Gordon Allison.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1981.
Tekscope. Volume 7, Number 3.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1975.
Tektronix Oscilloscope 535A.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1959.
Tekscope. Volume 8, Number 1.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1976.
Tekscope. Volume 10, Number 3.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1978.
Tektronix Instruction Manual for the Type 529 Waveform Monitor.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1965.
Tekscope: Volume 11, Number 1. Tektronix., Edited by Gordon Allison.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1979.
Tekscope. Volume 6, Number 4.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1974.
Tektronix Oscilloscope 545A.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1961.
Tekscope. Volume 10, Number 4.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1978.
Tekscope. Volume 9, Number 3.. Beavertown, OR: Tektronix., 1977.