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Stewart, Tom, and Peter Farleigh. Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument General Interface Card Manual for the General Interface (MIDI/SMPTE) Card and Support Unit Revision 1.5. Sydney, Australia: Fairlight Instruments, Inc., 1986.
Williams, Reese. Fire Over Water, Edited by Reese Williams. NY, NY: Tanam Press, 1986.
Varela, Willie, and James Irwin. Foreign Correspondence: The International Super 8 Phenomenon., Edited by Elyse Topalian. Somerville, MA: The International Center for 8mm Film and Video, Inc., 1986.
Chamberlain, Peter. G.R.I.D.. Elmira, NY: The Arnot Museum, 1986.
Hocking, Ralph. G.R.I.D. - Works. Elmira, NY: The Arnot Museum, 1986.
Global Village 12th Annual Documentary Festival. New York, NY: Global Village, 1986.
MacCabe, Colin. High Theory/Low Culture: Analyzing Popular Television and Film, Edited by Colin MacCabe. NY: St. Martins Press, 1986.
Weibel, Peter. "Jenseits der Erde: Das orbitale Zeitalter." Ars electronica (1986).
Paik, Nam June. "La Vie, Satelites, One Meeting One Life." Video-Culture (1986).
and Galloway, Kit Sherrie Rabinowitz. "Long Distance Relationships: Comments on the History and Potential of Video Teleconferencing." Videography 11, no. 3 (1986).
Cooper, Christian. "Low-Cost Creativity." Videography 11, no. 11 (1986).
Youngblood, Gene. Metaphysical Structuralism: The Videotapes of Bill Viola. Notes for videodisc edition.. Los Angeles: Voyager Press, 1986.
MonteVideo Art Foundation. Amsterdam, Holland, 1986.
London, Barbara. New Video:Japan. NY: American Federation for the.Arts and the Museum of Modern Art, 1986.
New York State Council on the Arts Annual Report 1985-86. Reports by Film and Media Programs.. New York, New York: New York State Council on the Arts, 1986.
New York State Council on the Arts Annual Report 1985-86. Report by Media Program.., 1986.
Weibel, Peter. "Pictorialer Raum in der elektronishen Kunst." Ars electronica (Supplement) (1986).
Volkmann, Herbert, and Henning Schou. Preservation and Restoration of Moving Images and Sound, Edited by Herbert Volkmann. Brussels: FIAF, 1986.
Warshawski, Morrie. "Public Television vs The Dark Cloud." Videography 11, no. 8 (1986).
Blumenthal, Lyn. "ReGuarding Video (Preservation)." Afterimage 13, no. 7 (1986).
Podesta, Patti. Resolution: A Critique of Video Art, Edited by Patti Podesta. Los Angeles: LACE, 1986.
Boyle, Deirdre. Return of Guerrilla Television: A TVTV Retrospective. NY: International Center of Photography, 1986.
Hocking, Sherry Miller. Rutt/Etra: Notes on Development., 1986.
Welsh, Jeremy. "Scratch and the Surface: Contemporary British Video." Afterimage 13, no. 6 (1986).
Soar Corporation. Instruction Manual: Digital Multimeter D2M2 series Model 4040.. Japan: Soar Corporation., 1986.
Jacobs, Ken, and Jack Smith. "Soundtack of "Blonde Cobra"." Kinemathek. 70, no. 22 (1986).
Sturken, Marita. "Television Fictions: An Interview with Ed Bowes." Afterimage 13, no. 10 (1986).
The Austrian Video Festival. Sydney, 1986.
Rose, Brian. "The Future of Cultural Programming." Videography 11, no. 5 (1986).
Dowling, Susan. "The Story of WGBH New Television Workshop." Ars electronica (Supplement) (1986).
