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Gever, Martha. "An interview with Martha Rosler." Afterimage 9, no. 3 (1981).
Gever, Martha. "Meet the Press: On Paper Tiger Television." Afterimage 11, no. 4 (1983).
Gever, Martha. "Underdeveloped Media, Overdeveloped Technology." The Independent 8, no. 7 (1985).
Gever, Martha. "Video Politics: Early Feminist Projects." Afterimage 11, no. 40545 (1983).
Gigliotti, Davidson. Abstract Painting 1960-1969: Video Art in the Sixties. Long Island City, NY: Institute for Art and Urban Resources, 1982.
Gilbard, Florence. "An Interview with Vito Acconci: Video Works 1970-78." Afterimage 12, no. 4 (1984).
Gill, Johanna. Artists' Video: The First Ten Years (1965-1975). Ann Arbor, NY, 1977.
Gillette, Frank. Aransas: Axis of Observation. Houston: Points of View, 1978.
Gillette, Frank. Between Paradigms: The Mood and Its Purpose. NY: Gordon and Breach, 1973.
Gillette, Frank, James Harithas, and Willoughby Sharp. Video: Process and Meta-Process, Edited by Judson Rosebush. Syracuse, NY: Everson Museum of Art, undated.
Ginsberg, Merle. "Video Art's Greatest Hits: Kit Fitzgerald and John Sanborn." Soho Weekly News (1981).
Gitlin, Todd. Inside Prime Time. NY: Pantheon, 1983.
Gitlin, Todd. The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and the Unmaking of the New Left. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.
Gitlin, Todd. Watching Television: A Pantheon Guide to Popular Culture, Edited by Todd Gitlin. NY: Pantheon,, 1986.
Gitlin, Michael. "Video: Approaching Independents." Film Library Quarterly 17, no. 1 (1984).
Global Village 11th Annual Documentary Festival. NY: Global Village, undated.
Global Village 10th Annual Documentary Festival: The National Tour. NY: Global Village, undated.
Global Village 12th Annual Documentary Festival. New York, NY: Global Village, 1986.
Reilly, John. The Endangered Documentary and Other Species: A Continuing Series.... New York, NY: Global Village, undated.
Glueck, Grace. "Videotape Replaces Canvas for Artists Who Use TV Technology in New Way." New York Times (1975).
Goetz, Sammlung, Ingvild Goetz, and Stephan Urbaschek. Fast Forward: Media Art. Ingvild Goetz, 2004.
Goffman, Erving. Frame Analysis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Gold, Rich, Darrel Johansen, and Marina LaPalma. An Introduction to the Serge Modular Music System. Serge, undated.
Goldberg, Roselee. Performance Art. London, 1988.
Goldberg, Ken. The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet, Edited by Ken Goldberg. MIT, 2000.
Goldman, Debra. "A Decade of Building an Alternative Movement." The Independent 6, no. 7 (1983).
Goodman, Cynthia. Digital Visions: Computers and the Arts. New York, NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1987.
Goodman, Cynthia. Digital Visions: Computers and Art. NY: Harry N Abrams, 1987.
Gordon, George N.. Persuasion: The Theory and Practice of Manipulative Communications. NY: Hastings House, 1971.
Gorewitz, Shalom. "Passages at the Experimental TV Center." The Independent 6, no. 9 (1983): 19.
