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White-Henson, Wendy. Archival Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual. Washington: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, 1984.
Prueitt, Melvin. Art and the Computer. NY: McGraw Hill, 1984.
Thomson, Patricia. "Atomic Reactions: Film and Videotapes on Nuclear War and Disarmament." Afterimage 11, no. 9 (1984).
Battery Packs and Belts Sales Literature. Denver, CO: Portable Energy Products, Distributed by Film/Video Equipment Service Company, 1984.
White, Robin, Robin Schanzenbach, and Chitra Mojtabai. Beyond Video: Media Alliance Directory I, Edited by Robin White. Ny, NY: Media Alliance, 1984.
Fox, David, and Mitchell Waite. Computer Animation Primer., 1984.
Youngblood, Gene. "Cray-1." Ars electronica (1984).
Castoriadis, Cornelius. Crossroads in the Labyrinth. Translated by Kate Soper and Martin H. Ryle.. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1984.
Jones, Dave. Dave Jones 4 Channel Colorizer. Owego, New York: Experiemental Television Center, 1984.
Decillionix., Retzinger, Dan. Decillionix. Sound Products for Apple Computers. DX-1.. Sunnyvale, CA: Decillionix., 1984.
Rorty, Richard. "Deconstruction and Circumvention." Critical Inquiry 11, no. 1 (1984).
Turim, Maureen. "Desire in Art and Politics: The Theories of Jean-Francois Lyotard." Camera Obscura, no. 12 (1984).
Zeichner, Arlene. "Distributing for Dollars." Videography 9, no. 11 (1984).
and Gutstadt, Howard Steve Seid. E-ITV: Personal Computers and Video Production. Berkeley, California: E-ITV, 1984.
Minkowsky, John. Electronic Visions. Yonkers, NY: The Hudson River Museum, 1984.
Yalkut, Jud. Electronic Zen: The Alternate Video Generation., 1984.
Yalkut, Jud. Electronic Zen: The Alternative Video Generation Jud Yalkut Interviews Eric Siegel Television Is The Last Communication Link We Have To Change This Country., 1984.
Yalkut, Jud. Electronic Zen: The Alternative Video Generation Self-Correction Through Cybernetics Jud Yalkut Interviews Paul Ryan., 1984.
Yalkut, Jud. Electronic Zen: The Alternative Video Generation Talking Heads in Videospace: A Video Meta-Panel with Shirley Clarke, Bill Etra, Nam June Paik, Walter Wright and Jud Yalkut., 1984.
Film Program. NY: American Federation of Arts, 1984.
Grass Valley Group Model 100 Video Switcher Volume I. Beaverton, Oregon: Grass Valley Group, 1984.
Grass Valley Group Model 100 Video Switcher Volume II. Beaverton, Oregon: Grass Valley Group, 1984.
Lord, Chip. "Guts and Fortitude: Video Art and K. Huffman Put the LBMA on the Map." High Performance 7, no. 1 (1984).
Bode, Harald. History of Electronic Sound Modification In Journal of the Audio Engineering Society., 1984.
Jenkins, Bruce, and Susan Krane. Hollis Frampton: Recollections Recreations. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984.
Sturken, Marita. "Howard Wise essay." (1984).
London, Barbara. "Independent Video and the Museum of Modern Art." Videography 9, no. 8 (1984).
Schiller, Herbert I.. Information and the Crisis Economy.. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1984.
Sturken, Marita. "An Interview with George Stoney." Afterimage (1984).
Sturken, Marita. "James Byrne's Video Projects: The Aesthetics of the Subject." Afterimage 10, no. 9 (1984).
