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Krauss, Rosalind. Passages in Modern Sculpture. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1981.
Krieger, R. E.. "with Aldo Tambellini." SUNY Happening No. 5 227, no. 31 (1968).
Kriesche, Richard. Art, Artists, and the Media, Edited by Richard Kriesche. Graz, 1979.
Kruger, Barbara. TV Guides Twenty-one Essays on Television, Edited by Barbara Kruger. NY: Kuklapolitan Press, 1985.
KSN TC 100B Time Base Corrector Service Manual. KSN, undated.
Kubota, Shigeko. "Shigeko Kubota: A Portfolio." Video 80 4 (1982).
Kubota, Shigeko, Toni Stoss, and Zdenek Felix. Shigeko Kubota: Video Scuptures. Germany, undated.
Kubota, Shigeko. Letter concerning Anthology Film Archives. September 22, 1974., 1974.
Kubota, Shigeko. Letter concerning Jackson Maclow exhibition at Anthology Film Archives. Tree Movie was partly created through the Residency Program at Experimental Television Center. October 29, 1974., 1974.
Kuhn, Annette. "Avant Garde Festival. The Underwater Cellist: 'Push her further down!'." The Village Voice (1972).
"Special Issue on Video." Kunstforum (1985).
Oslo, Kunstnernes Hus. Det Syntetiske Bilde. Oslo: Kunstnernes Hus Oslo, 1991.
Kuntzel, Thierry. Nostos?II: Installations. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou, 1984.
Kurtz, Bruce. "Artists Video at the Crossroads." Art In America 65 (1977).
Kurtz, Bruce. "Paikvision." Artforum 21, no. 2 (1982).
Kurtz, Bruce. "Peter Campus." Arts Magazine (1973).
Kurtz, Bruce. Changing License., 1975.
Kurtz, Bruce. Video in America in The New Television: A Public/Private Art. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
L-W Photo Motion Analyzer 900 Sales Literature; Athena 1300 Series Analytic Projector; Athena 224 Analytic Projector.. Van Nuys, CA: L-W Photo, Inc., 1969.
Labat, Tony. "POV." Video 81 2, no. 1 (1981).
Labat, Tony. "The Hearing." SEND (undated).
Lacan, Jacques. The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. Edited by Jacques Alain Miller. Translated by Alan Sheridan.. NY: W. W. Norton, 1978.
Lacan, Jacques. The Language of the Self. NY: Delta, 1968.
Lacan, Jacques. "Television." October 10 (1987).
Lachenbruch, David. "Your Complete Guide to VCRs." Panorama 1, no. 1 (1980).
Lane, Giles. The Biotica Project : An Artificial Life Installation, Edited by Giles Lane and RIchard Brown., undated.
Tele Techno Notes., 1975.
Tele Techno Conference., 1975.
Larson, Susan C.. "John Sturgeon: Two Video Installations." Artnews 77, no. 5 (1978).
Lavin, M.. "Notes on William Wegman." Artforum 13, no. 7 (1975).
